Monday 18 November 2013

The BIG Box Is Full !

The alarm went off at 5:30 am.  We went back to sleep, this I am sure of as the Crabby Cabby phone went off right after to awake us again.  I was up and out the door with Rob right at my heels at 5:45 am.  Who did we find pulling in our driveway at the same time was our Crabby Cabbie driver, John.

I headed North to Lion's Head, Rob and John headed South to Saugeen Shores, Southampton & Port Elgin.

This is the GBHS ~ Lion's Head in the wee hours of Morning.  When I delivered the parcel to the GBHS ~ Wiarton, the Nurse there looked very tired after what I am sure was a 12 hour shift.

Of course when I arrived in Lion's Head it started raining.  Turning on my wipers I realized only the passenger side worked.  This was not good but with the wipers being wide enough I could see fine down the middle and the rain had not been torrents, only lasting for a little bit of time.  Rob on the other had pulled out down the highway to have the muffler come apart on the vehicle he had been driving.  Let's see what else happened? when he got back home to take the other vehicle out, it had needed boosting !  Really truly, does it ever end? really truly I try to remain optmistic, but really truly there are some days it is very difficult.

I *sigh* alot ... having a *sigh* for every situation I am certain.

We had been out to return some car parts we did not require, enjoying ourselves by watching these Muscovy Ducks.  Not fearful at all were they.  I truly kind of like them.  I am certain our Aussies would love rounding up a couple of them too.

The remainder of the day went pretty smooth.  By the time we had gotten all our running done this morning by the time we finally both stopped it had been 1 pm..  Poor Rob still feeling under the weather went to bed for the afternoon, while I covered the "fort" so to speak.

Rob put together the "BIG" box I had gotten from a retailer downtown Wiarton, so I could fill it with Christmas Gifts.  Since Paul, Liz and the 5 kids make "seven", I decided to do gifts on a Family Basis.  I am truly happy everything is now in the box instead of all over the spare room bed, as it was a pain hiding it all if they were coming to visit.

Packing the "BIG" box, then straightening up the bed somewhat took up a good part of the day, but at least it was something accomplished if nothing else.  Man oh man, when I was talking to my Auntie today I was saying I can never keep caught up, as I just can't manage to be here, there and everywhere all at once, and after I have been there and everywhere, I am too tired to get anything done here.  Did that all make sense to anyone out there ????

Last night there was a Wind Warning, and I certainly do not understand why there wasn't one out for today and tonight.  I got pelted pretty good with Hail while out retrieving the Mail this afternoon.

I got called back out about 5:30 pm.  Trust me coming back from Hepworth thru to Clavering the snow was a driving force.  I am afraid to say, "Winter is well on its way whether we want it or not".

Since I had taken steaks out yesterday, with Rob thinking it was too windy to go out and BBQ, today I could not leave them go.  The Crock Pot to my rescue as usual.

Carrots on the bottom, Prime Rib Steak on top smeared with a Knorr Homestyle Stock pot and Montreal Steak Spice, with Potatoes and Cauliflower placed in on top.  Oh my was it good ... very fall in your mouth full of flavour good.

How are Rob and I feeling now? full and tired.  No surprise there after a good meal and a nice warm Wood stove to keep us warm from the outside elements.

If I had not been called out at 5:30, I might have had Dinner over with earlier with my feet up and maybe a couple rows of knitting that has been left for months undone.  That never happened, however I do have my feet up, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard".


  1. We got quite a bit of wind today here too.

    I've never seen ducks like that before...

  2. Perhaps the ducks got blown off course...many of us did today!


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