Friday 1 November 2013

Thank YOU Wiarton Chamber

What a "wicked" blustery day it has been here.  High winds and pouring raining all day long.  Had it been snow it would have been a treacherous day this day.  Thank God it hadn't been, that will come all too soon enough without any wishful thinking on anyone's part who likes the "white" stuff (William Kendall, you come easily to mind on how many times you mention that *S* word).

First thing this morning, trying to ignore what was going on outside while I enjoyed a coffee, I heard a huge "bang".  I thought I best investigate.

Apparently our BBQ was not as fortunate as Piglet being grounded by Pooh Bear.  It remains where it is until Rob gives me a hand to right it.

We were not the only one to have damage by resulting high winds.  Before heading out to Owen Sound at 9:30 am, the hydro had gone out shortly before 10:00.

I had just passed Clavering to see some Arcing going on atop the hydro lines.  A tree had fallen on them.  I pulled over to call 9-1-1 for the Fire Department, or whatever authority could arrange for Hydro to take care of it.  Later in the day on my way back out this time towards Southampton, Hydro workers were on scene.  

Hydro at our house was probably out approxmately 4 hours I would estimate.

Down in Southampton briefly today, I was told the hydro had been going off and on all day due to the high winds.

Before leaving Southampton I took a drive down to the Centotaph to take in the breakers out on Lake Huron.  I do so miss this part of my hometown with the Lake so close at hand.

Once again back through Wiarton I made my way to return home.  Yeah ! the hydro was on so I was able to check out my email.  There in my "inbox" was an E-Blast from the Wiarton & District Chamber of Commerce.

Oh my, what a welcome !  Thank YOU WDCC for such a huge welcome.

Welcome Cindy

Our newest board member to the Wiarton & District Chamber of Commerce!
We are pleased to announce the addition of Cindy to the WDCC board. Cindy has been active with the Chamber since this past May, keeping us up to date & in the loop via our Wiarton Facebook page. She has also spent countless hours helping recruit new membership, and actively promotes local events.Keep an eye out for her smiling face around town, snapping photos and possibly getting you from A to B with Crabby Cabbie!
We look forward to all the great ideas and insight Cindy will bring to the table to assist in enhancing the WDCC. Cheers to building and growing both our brand and community.

That most certainly was an unexpected email, and E-Blast !  Also "special thanks" to Mandy Sebok, Administrative Assistant to the WDCC, for doing up such a flattering write up.

This afternoon was spent doing a bit more "Crabby Cabbie" paperwork, since yesterday was the end of October with at new month upon us already.  Hello November 2013 !  what a start with the blustery windy rain day we have been having.

I actually took a breather while preparing our Dinner to actually admire the one part of my Kitchen Counter I managed to declutter and clean thoroughly this week.  It was a dent, however small of one.

Since our Wiarton driver is otherwise occupied, I have a call to go out on at 8:30 pm yet this evening.  I am hoping it does not take me too late as I am looking forward to a hot shower and the comfort of my bed this evening, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard".


  1. Congrats Cindy that is a nice write up and photo way to go.
    Nasty weather you seem to have been hit worse than we did. I hope you got your early bed thing:) Hug B

  2. The storm was a doozy!
    I now blame William for all snow.
    Jane x

  3. Congrats, nice write up and photo . The wind storm was upon us last Sat and again the past two days it took a huge chunk of our tree down and damage was to all over our area and loss of hydro ! We have anchored our big BBQ because a wind storm last year took it down ! Still rainy here but thankfully no high winds anymore ! Glad you are all ok and safe . Thanks for sharing ! Have a good weekend !

  4. Congratulations, Cindy!

    We had a tremendous amount of wind yesterday too. Trees went down, next to impossible to walk into it, and a real blustering day.

    Snow's a wonderful glorious thing!


How nice of you to drop around to have a wee visit with me to see what I have been up to from time to time. I look forward to your comments as they add much brightness to my each and every day to know there are such wonderful people out there.

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