Wednesday 27 November 2013

Long, Good & Happy To Be Home Day

Brrr ... another cold day North of Wiarton when I arose this morning.  It did not take long for Rob to get the wood stove stoked up and going.  

Another day I was not as productive as I had on my mind to be where the housework was concerned.  Still I managed to complete one chore, and that was part of the bathroom cleaned.  At least one third of it was done, which is much better then no thirds completed.

My sister, Donna, had cut me some Hydrangeas from her garden this Fall that I had dried.  I found the perfect spot for them on my window covering, such as it is, in the bathroom.  Its effect suited my tastes just fine.  (my poor little Jade is not doing as well as usual, so I must give it a shot of something soon I think).

I had to do a couple of errands downtown Wiarton.  I thought I would pop into the Painted Turtle & Balloon Headquarters to see how they were making out on the very first Annual WHITE WEDNESDAY. 

It was reported to me that they were having a GREAT day !!!

Truly I need to take a day when I am not just stopping in, as I would love to take the time to stick my nose in every one of the many nook and crannies within this very unique store.

It was not too much later when I had to also make a trip into Owen Sound on a couple of errands there too.  Last week we had the snow tires put on our personal vehicle, as I had mentioned yesterday.  A funny thing happened when driving through a part of Owen Sound when I got a really bad shimmy in the front end of the Van.  The first thing I thought of was maybe some of the lugs had came loose, as this has been known to happen.

Trying hard not to PANIC (difficult for me at the best of times NOT to do), I made my way down the East hill towards McArthur Tire.

No worries if I had been stranded as I had a pair of the brand new warm socks on my feet that my Rob had bought out of the blue for me yesterday.  I was barely in the front door of McArthur tire when a guy at the front heard my concern and was out lickety split with a wrench to give each lug nut on each of my four tires a turn to make sure they were all fine.  They had been.

NO CHARGE ! and a compliment that I was a smart person to think it might have been a loose tire and have them all checked.  I was very impressed with this nice guy that came out to help me without a moments hesitation.  THANK YOU Owen Sound MccArthur Tire !!!

The shimmy in the front end we think could have been caused from ice caught up in the rim.  Possible, but still not a good feeling the way it had been at the time.

It was late in the day by the time I got home.  Dinner was put together fairly quickly with a fresh salad, turnip done in the pressure cooker, and White Chicken tenders baked in the Oven.  Once that was over with Rob dropped me off downtown to the Wiarton Chamber of Commerce offices.  

This evening the Wiarton Chamber was hosting an After Five get together for local businesses and everyone in the Community.  A few had begun to gather shortly after I had arrived, refreshments and goodies were set out for all, and I even had Chamber Administration, Mandy, pose with a Bluewater Park Willie (she is such a good sport).  Before I knew it my ride was back to collect me and sweep me back home in his Crabby Cabbie vehicle.

It was a long day, it was a good day, and I am now happy I am home day, Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard.


  1. That is a long day for you!

    And it has been quite a day weather wise...

  2. Oh, that's a horrid feeling when the car seems in control.
    Jane x


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