Saturday, 28 February 2015

Pushing Snow

Last night?  I am back to not sleeping well, but with the discontinuation of the one med I am not waking up feeling like I have rocks in place of bones in my body.  Not to mention I had to take Portia out at 12:30 am, poor girlie had to go and then it was right back to bed for her.

It was freezing when I had been out with the Aussies at 6:30 am.  The good news at that time in the morning is getting lighter !!!  Another week and we will be turning the clocks ahead again for Daylight Savings.  We will really all be screwed up with our sleeping pattern for awhile once that happens.

Here is my Lexus girl ... where did she go?  Yes she is shedding and despite the cold I combed her outside a bit at 9 am.  We will get it all combed out eventually.  She is a picture of health our girl is.  I am very pleased with how she bounced back so well from her last litter.  Trust me not much slows this girl down.

First thing this morning Rob and I made a trip downtown on a couple of errands.  We both had separate vehicles as I had a longer stop at one place which he didn't want to wait around for.  When I got back home he was clearing out the lane going down to the barn.

I should have taken a photo as he was pushing snow like you wouldn't believe.  There are some pretty big banks down by the barn now.  Actually other then a cold wind the Sun was deceiving and a person might have thought otherwise from inside looking out.

I actually felt pretty good this morning, however by the time lunch time passed I went downhill with dizzy spells that have returned and lack of energy.  I tried to nap but that wouldn't even happen.  Good enough as maybe I will sleep better this evening.

Portia is fixated with the neighbour across the way.  She watches every move a cow, horse, vehicle, or human makes over there, whether we are outside or ....

.... inside.  Yes she is quite the nosy girl.

Once I get some more energy mustered up I need to start walking her downtown for her to get used of traffic going by and more people, otherwise she will get too skittish.  All in good time I suppose, especially when we get some warmer days coming our way (hopefully soon).

I can't believe tomorrow is March 1st already !!!  oh man the months have been rolling on by me like a race car .... ZOOOOOOOM !  Way too fast for my liking, and I have to pull myself back to catch up once I regain my energy back, and trust you, me, there is LOTS to always catch up on.

Will March come in like a Lion or a Lamb ? any guesses?  We will  have to see what tomorrow brings to us.

Tomorrow I have no idea how we are going to roll, other then I know I have to do the billing for the Crabby Cabbie, and more never ending paperwork.  There is never any fear of nothing to be done around here, it relies more on the ability to getting it done, Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard.


  1. It was nice today, albeit cold. Just hope we don't get a lot of snow tomorrow.

  2. Daylight savings will really wreck havoc with a lot of schedules, particularly the dogs!

  3. Came in like a lamb here, hope that doesn't mean bad things for the end of the month! Finally a couple of days with reasonable temperatures!


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