Tuesday 23 July 2013

Day 2: The Boys & Us

The boys must have been really really tired.  Boys as in Rob, Aiden and Connor, as all three slept in after 7 am this morning.  Aiden and I had to wake Connor up, again, in time for breakfast and to get ready for Vacation Bible School this morning.

I had just been out with the Aussies when the rumbling began from the North heading this way.  

The skies had gotten really dark before the downpour of rain began.  Bandit does not care for Thunderstorms at all so he was staying as close to Aiden as he could.  By the time breakfast was done and we had headed out the door to VBS the downpour of rain had stopped.  Day 2 and they were off without barely a goodbye, or actually now that I think about I never did get a goodbye, when they headed on into VBS.

I had a couple of errands to run downtown before I headed back home.  Before I knew it, it had been time to head back down to collect the boys.

Connor had left a "wee" bit of homemade Hamburger Soup in his bowl from his lunch.  They had the great pleasure of giving it to Bandit who was forever grateful as you can tell right down to the last lick.

I did a few household chores before we headed on downtown for the second time today.  Auntie Gladys had given the boys each $5. when we had been there Sunday.  This $5. had been burning a hole in their pockets as you can well imagine.

We dropped into Bennett's "The Great Canadian Dollar Store" where they had picked out some Hotwheel Cars until going down the aisle to discover some Stuffies.  They both wanted one, however they were $5.99 each.  I told them to go ahead and each pick one out as I would chip in the extra loot.

A little further down the aisle I went looking back to enjoy observing them as they were making the "big" decision on which one they were going to choose.

In our travels we happened upon Sarah and  the other two grandboys, Chase & Greyson.     Greyson was showing me his ice cream cone was Mint Chocolate Chip.  After we had been at Bennetts the boys and I also treated ourselves to an Ice Cream Cone from Lloyd's Smoke Shop.  Lloyd's have Homemade Ice Cream they make themselves.  Yummy.

The remainder of the afternoon had been spent at home with the boys playing Hotwheels, and I doing a bit of this and that.  At one point I went out to weed a row in the veggie garden, wherein the boys had came out to also give me a hand.  They really did a good job as long as their attention span stayed with them.  1/4 row later it had left them.

Before long it was time to get our Dinner together as Poppa had arrived home around 5 pm.  I went to take a photo of our Dinner, and Connor stopped me as he wanted a photo of "his" dinner taken.

Our boy the "ham".  Doesn't get much cuter then this.

The day could not go by without there being some roughhousing with Poppa.  Aiden was telling Poppa, "squish us, squish us".  Oh my they would have been beyond squashed had Poppa seriously sat on either one of them.

This photo was taken for Auntie Gladys, so they could show her the stuffies they had gotten themselves with her gift of money.  Thanks Auntie Gladys !!!  xoxo

This is how I had pretty much left them when I had headed out the door before 7:30 pm to a Wiarton Chamber of Commerce Meeting.

When I had returned home, Poppa had them all safe and sound sleeping in their beds.  Ah ... how nice was that for me.  I am looking forward to another day ahead tomorrow with the boys, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard".


  1. I know you and all your boys are having the time of your life!!!

  2. So glad to see them having a super time and both you and Rob enjoying them so.


  3. Bandit figures he can make out like a bandit with kids around and the inevitable leftovers that ensue...


How nice of you to drop around to have a wee visit with me to see what I have been up to from time to time. I look forward to your comments as they add much brightness to my each and every day to know there are such wonderful people out there.

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