Monday 15 July 2013

Heading Towards A Week Of Heat Waves !!!

This is how it was when my day began after my Aussie duties were first done this morning, and when it was almost over after finishing up with my Crabby Cabbie duties.

I had a really pretty good all around day today.  It was about time.  I was on a "high" right from the start after speaking with my friend, Toni with an "i".  She had messaged me the other day to let me know she would be going down to Nova Scotia and driving back with her Sister-in-Law.  It went on to her kidding me about rolling up in a tight ball to be packed away in a suitcase ... it mushroomed from there.  Rob and I talked it over this morning and .....


I am over the World excited.  I have never in 54 years gone away somewhere with a girlfriend for some "me" time.   In the 20 years Rob and I have been, he has gone on a couple fishing trips North, but me? Nope, nada, nothing, no where.

Ha !  In all my life I have only been to Newfoundland once, Florida twice and Boston MA twice.

We will be minutes away from the famous Surfing Community of Lawerencetown Beach.  Me surf? now that would make not a pretty picture.

Can I believe it?  barely ... and it set my mood for the whole day.  Happy happy happy ME !!!

I am already thinking to myself, how am I going to manage blogging while I am gone?  Hmmm I might not be able to every day, but hopefully I will be able to at some point while I am gone, as I am not leaving without my laptop, nor my camera .... EVER !

Did I mention yet how excited I am?  just a couple of times, right?  *smile, smile, smile*

Yes I did have to help my Crabby Cabbie out today.  That is what life partners do, is it not? that is what this Life Partner does ....

I made up my own little clipboard before I had to head out into the 100* F weather.  That would be just a wee tad under the 40*C mark.  I ended up having the Crabby Cabbie vehicle without air conditioning until 3:30 pm.  It sure was a scorcher today with a whole week of  Heat Waves ahead of us according to the weather experts.

This was only a couple places I had been at today.  One being over to Sauble Beach, and also over to the Evergreen Resort at Red Bay.  When I had moved back to Bruce County 10 years ago I had worked at the Wildwood Lodge, located directly beside the Evergreen.

When I had been driving out from the winding bush drive of the Evergreen a Doe had crossed the drive in front of me.  Love the wild life not too far from the eye at times on the Bruce Peninsula.

I had barely been back home, when I had to take Rob over to our mechanics to pick up his Crabby Cabbie vehicle.  There we had gotten another call to go out, so off I went not getting back home until just after 9:00 pm.

What time is it now?  10:21 pm .... oh man, that would be way off my bedtime would it not?  Here I go hopefully to be sleeping soundly not long from now, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard".


  1. how exciting for you to go away with a friend. I have never been to the East coast but would love to go. Looking like another super hot day again today.


  2. Are you counting sleeps until the big day?
    Jane x

  3. Congrats on the upcoming trip! I have not been there but always wanted to travel that direction one day! You must be so excited!
    Thanks for posting the pics of Sauble and Evergreen sign...I'm counting down the days to see it all in person in 3 weeks YAY!! Missing it up there so much lately! My mom lives just down the road from Evergreen, we go every Thanksgiving our entire 29 person family lol and enjoy a magnificent meal there each fall. We have even swam and hot tubbed in the fall with snow on the ground :) Love the view from the dining room at Evergreen! Take care!

  4. Cindy~ YAY!! A vacation for You!! I can tell from your post how excited you are!! Hope you have a fantastic time, and you'll have to blog all about it when you get back!! Take lots of pictures too! Lynn @ Turnips 2 Tangerines
    PS Your pictures of Bruce Peninsula are always gorgeous...what a beautiful place you live in:)

  5. Enjoy Nova Scotia!

    And if you can manage a day, go on over to PEI.

    I dislike the heat. I get myself through it by reminding myself that it's one day closer to winter.

  6. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HAPPY HAPPY for you. Wish you and your friend could come this far. Anyone needing a place to stay in NL is welcome to visit me. I love to meet new people . HW

  7. Oh Cindy, I am so happy for you. I know you will love N.S. both of our girls were there for a 4-H exchange and they said the Cabot Trail had wonderful scenery. We are hoping to get to P.E.I. when we get back from our current trip,to take some of Anita's wool down to the mill so she can get some more of those wool blankets made up. After we drop off the wool we are planning on a little tour of P.E.I., N.S. and N.B. I am very excited about it also. I have not been east since I was a little kid and went on a road trip with my parents, but it was one of those drive, drive, drive, sleep in a housekeeping cabin, drive, drive, drive trips. I really don't remember much about it, probably because I saw most of it from the back seat of the car. Nice that you can fly one way so you will be able to spend more time seeing the sights. Wishing you all the happiness and health as you enjoy it. Alice J.

  8. Great trip!
    I have friends who moved to that community from Ottawa. They love it there!
    Hope you have a wonderful time.


How nice of you to drop around to have a wee visit with me to see what I have been up to from time to time. I look forward to your comments as they add much brightness to my each and every day to know there are such wonderful people out there.

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