Wednesday 24 July 2013

Day 3 ~ The Boys

Brrr ... it was cool this morning out there.  What a climate change after the sweltering temps and humidity of last week.

Aiden was busy with my Camera this morning with Poppa, Bandit and his Hot Wheels as his subject unbeknownst to them.

The skies were dark with threats of rain that never did come.  That did not stop us from heading on down to Day 3 of Vacation Bible School.

I came home to do a load of laundry, make beds and do up some dishes in the sink.  With also taking out and about the Aussies it wasn't long before it was time to head back down to get the boys.  Two and a half hours gets eaten up pretty fast when you have to go back out again.

This afternoon Mercedes had some fun with her pup, while the boys kept themselves busy building a house for slugs (ewww) and one caterpillar.

I had kept myself busy with cleaning up from lunch then making potato salad for tonight's dinner.  Aiden came into the house to get me as they had made me something "special".

The "special" was a comfortable chair they put together complete with cushions and a stool for me to rest my feet up on.  The boys had themselves a bit of relaxation up against the dog house.  Yes I had full view of the goings on in the slug house.  Aiden and Connor then fancied themselves a bit of chain link fence climbing.  It was a busy afternoon.

Poppa was home in good time for Dinner tonight.  Steak on the BBQ, Potato & Egg Salads and Coleslaw.  I had my first feed of  fresh garden beets right from our very own garden.  Oh yum !

Once Dinner was over and done with, dishes rinsed and left on the counter, we headed downtown Wiarton to take in some of the Wiarton Wednesday events.

First stop was at the Berford Street Parkette to see what Farmer's Market vendors were there this evening.  Rob was attempting to pilfer off Miner's Maple Products table while owner, Abby Miners', was off getting herself some Dinner.  Everyone seems to love those jugs of Maple Syrup.

Further up the street Bluewater Travel was having a Pampered Chef Demonstration that was looking pretty good, while over in front of Pinkerton's Auto Supply the Eighth Street Orchestra was belting out some grooving tunes.

Oh yes how could I ever miss out on how yummy the pulled lamb was as demonstrated by Nicole Dejong.  Really I think this girl could do some serious modelling ... she certainly is loving that "pulled lamb" on a bun.  Lamb anyone? check out Dejong Acres Farms to order yours.  I do LOVE lamb.

We got back home at 8 pm to find our friends, who are helping out with the garden this year, here doing some weeding.  After a brief visit I had to head in to get Connor into a bath while I started to organize my photos, then Aiden followed suit.

Can I say tired? I most certainly can, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard".


  1. Sounds like you're surviving your busy week pretty well!

  2. it's all go for you, but I know you're enjoying every single minute of it, aren't you?


  3. The boys could go into production with special chairs!
    Jane x

  4. Steak on the barbecue is always welcome!


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