Sunday 1 June 2014

All In But For My Shirttail

 I have been hurting, but I have also been happy I have been dedicating myself to walking once, and mostly twice a day, every day for the past week.

I feel that loosing the 10 lbs I have gained over the last 2 years from a combination of hormone changes and lack of walking for fear of yet a 3rd surgery on my knee, is worth the risk of yet injuring my knee further.  I said the "heck" with both by doing the one thing I have loved doing as long as I can remember, and that is "walking".

Should I injure my knee again, I suppose I will just have to get it "fixed" a third time, as I need to start feeling good again with exercise, never mind the added bonus of it being a stress reliever.

My Son, Paul, let me know about an app he downloaded on his phone he uses when out roller blading, which he thought I could use when out walking.  It is called Endomondo.

I LOVE this app, as it not only tracks how far I go, it tracks where I have gone through GPS, how many calories I  have burned, and so on and so forth.  By the time we were done our almost 3 km walk this morning poor Buddy had his tongue hanging down almost to his knees !

This is Rob having a Day Dream along with John Deere yesterday while we were at Home Depot.  I wish too !

While I was busy with other things today, Rob got going at sealing our deck with Thompson's Water Sealer with Stain.

It wasn't quite the colour we had expected, however it will have to do as we are unable to change it up now.  We were hoping for more of a honey, and this turned out a bit darker.  No worries as long as it serves the purpose of protecting and prolonging the life of our decking.

This afternoon Rob and I went to the Open House at the Waterview on the Bay.  It was a lovely Open House with great improvements with the new cottage units they had built in.

The units are completely self-contained and efficient with a view to die for along the shoreline of Colpoy's Bay.   They are also extremely very reasonably priced.  Check out their Website by going HERE

After the Open House, we headed on down to Wiarton's Bluewater Park as we were told the old Coalshed Willie's Restaurant had re-opened under new Ownership as Dockside Wille's.

We had the pleasure of meeting owner, Tanya, who was busy running the Take-Out window.  The indoor seating is still under renos, hopefully open soon, along with an outdoor patio.   I can't wait to try it out myself some day.  Memories for sure since I was a short order cook back in 2005 when it was Coal Shed Willies.... now those were the days.

The inside of my house is a shambles, however it is the way it is to be while we get some other outdoor projects accomplished while Rob is home and the weather cooperates.

Dinner for me this evening had been grilled Lamb Chops seasoned with Rosemary & Oregano, alongside steamed Asparagus and Brown Rice, while Rob had his served with Grilled Italian Sausages.

I went for another almost 2.5 km walk after our Dinner.  I took Lexus this evening and our neighbour went along with us.  It was a lovely evening.

When I got back home from my walk, Rob gave me a hand getting the puppies away for the evening.  There had been two stragglers ... the littlest girl, and Ruby with the bright blue eyes.

I am pretty much all in but for my shirttail, Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard.

1 comment:

  1. That is a good meal!

    And just look at that puppy cuteness!


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