Sunday 18 January 2015

First Mushy Meal

I went to bed way early last night.  I am pretty sure I must have been asleep before 10 pm, but awake at 4 am.  Yep that is 6 hours.

I was very quiet while Rob slept until almost 11 this morning.  This was good for him, being an hour longer then usual.  Even the Aussies had been fairly quiet ... good for them.  I even made a run downtown on an errand and everyone had still been quiet.

When Rob did get up he got called out right away not returning home until almost 1:30 pm.  While he was gone one of the Forever Home puppy owners stopped in to see their little girl.  So exciting !

The Festive Five have been getting a little noisier then usual, as they now need more in the food department since Mama Lexus has begun the weaning process at four weeks of age.  That is where I come in with beginning them on solid food, then introducing water in a couple of days from now.

Today was the day the Festive Five had their very first mushy meal ....

Portia was more then willing to help me with the preparation with hopes of a morsel or two falling in her direction.

The Festive Five were naturals.  They hadn't even needed me to help them by pushing their little noses in the mush to get them started off.  After cleaning up every morsel they had themselves a swig from Mama Lexus.

Yes our Aussies are much work at times but I have always been passionate about finding a breed of choice and breeding them since I can remember.  The only reason I think  Rob wants us to have dogs is because of  ....

... the foot massages he gets from every dog we have ever had.  He really soaks them up and makes sure both socks come off.  

No I do not let Portia lick my face should anyone have had that thought go through their head ... ewwwwwww.

Has anyone ever burned their lip?  I gave myself a dosser this morning after re-heating the Tim Horton Coffee Rob had brought home for me last night.  My lip as a blister that is very nasty.  Guess I shouldn't be so much in a hurry for that first sip of java in the morning until it has cooled a bit.

The weather has been a bit on the January thaw side today first beginning with rain, now ending off with a heavy wet snow.  Very slushy and slippery to walk or drive in.  Rob had said the roads were slippery when he had been back out this afternoon.

Tomorrow there will be one more chore on my has to get done "to do" list with the making and feeding more mushy meals, Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard.

1 comment:

  1. I'm imagining the little ones trying the mush for the first time and thinking, "wow! something new!"


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