Friday 23 May 2014

Back To The Bad, Good & The Ugly

Another Bad, Good & Ugly post, not necessarily in that order.  I must report I am still feeling under the weather, but from the previous few days there is finely some improvement in the battle of getting through this cold/flu bug, or whatever the heck hit me so hard last Saturday that has yet to leave my body.

The Bad is that Rob had been running a temp all day, with a great possibility that I shared with him.  I beyond feel for him for what is yet to come, minus prepping for a colonoscopy in-between.  Speaking of which that leads me to the topic of the Ugly .....

... this is where it all becomes UGLY once you begin the dreaded cleansing of the bowels in preparation for the next day, which is a breeze I might add in comparison.  Do NOT, and I stress DO NOT forget to take the Gas Pills as instructed or I have heard you will pay dearly (I took in them in fear of paying dearly).  Your best friend for the next 14 hours (at least) will be located in your bathroom, and the other one you might want to keep sipping on to stay hydrated.

This is approximately how much paper you will want on hand from start to finish ....

The Good is once you have been back to your Doctor having been cleared of not having any polyps means you are good to go for the next five years.  More Good being should you have had polyps removed, you have avoided the risks of Colon Cancer, and will have to follow up once again.  Either way is Good, being a Win Win situation of knowing by giving you bit of peace of mind after spending approximately 14 hours of it being Ugly.

Highly recommended after you have turned 50 years of age (I snuck out of it for five years, but it caught up with me eventually).

More Good .... how flattered and honoured I was to have been nominated and selected for a 2014 Volunteer Award for the Town of South Bruce Peninsula.  Special thanks for my Friend and fellow Chamber Volunteer & Director, Koreen Ryan, for the nomination, and the Town of South Bruce Peninsula for selecting me.

Although I could not taste anything properly at the Awards BBQ, Rob assured me it had all been very good.  As far as conversation at the table went?  very difficult unless I was right beside the person as I could not hear a thing out of my right ear.

My friend, Koreen, had also been nominated by the Wiarton Willie Festival Committee for all the amazing work she has done for the Festival on and behind the scenes.  We are pictured, as each Awarded Volunteer had been with the Mayor John Close, and MPP Bill Walker.

Each and every Volunteer honoured last evening were in well deserved in receiving a 2014 Volunteer Award.  The backbones of our Communities that bind our communities.

Each Volunteer were awarded with a Certificate from the Town of South Bruce Peninsula Mayor, Larry Miller the MP, and Bill Walker MPP.

Special thanks to my VON friends I used to volunteer up for coming out to give me their support.  Thanks Diane, BJ, Andrea, Chris, & Marlene it was most wonderful to have you all there for me !!!!  You meet so many wonderful friends when you Volunteer.

There that wasn't too bad, as I am certain there was more Good to all of that then Bad & Ugly, right?

Just a little cuteness to finish it all up.

I am still praying I start to feel 100% better by tomorrow, even though my ears and nose are still plugged solid and I have a headache that loves me to death.  I know that is an absolute big order, however Cindy's Recipe Exchange is having their 2nd Potluck Luncheon this Sunday, and I am so way behind with everything .... my house is a disaster and never mind me being organized on what I am making and taking to the Pot Luck yet !

Please do not let the house fall down around my head yet before I have a chance to get back up !!!!

Hopefully nobody will be coming by to visit until I have a change to recuperate 100% and get my house back into order, which will more then likely be a month of Sundays at the rate everything else seems to pile up on me from time to time ... yes there is now 2 months of Crabby Cabbie book waiting for me (AGAIN).

For some reason two year ago seemed like much simpler times for me???  Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard.


  1. Another good thing is that after all this cleansing, you, probably, lost 5 pounds or so. Just looking on the bright side :) But I'm glad everything is great, and that the nasty cold is finally going away. I hope, Rob will get better soon

  2. I hope you'll feel better by the end of the weekend. Cute bird!

  3. Hope you both feel better soon !

  4. Next time there is a group photo ask for a chair to stand on,you look so tiny way at the back!
    Jane x


How nice of you to drop around to have a wee visit with me to see what I have been up to from time to time. I look forward to your comments as they add much brightness to my each and every day to know there are such wonderful people out there.

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