Friday 16 May 2014

Frigid Cold

I am pretty sure we had a relapse going back momentarily into the Ice Age of Winter today.  It had been frigid cold from my point of view.  Brrrrrr.....

Not only had there been a cold fast drizzle coming down first thing this morning when I was out walking Buddy across the  field, there had been reports of snow flurries North of the Checkerboard.  Glad they kept them there as I was cold enough.

I was just thinking the other morning how nice it was to get up and not have to have the wood stove "fired" up, but here it was again today a completely different story.

Today was the re-opening of the Wiarton Farmer's Market for the Season.  I am pretty sure I had only missed one Market Friday last Season, and that was the one week I had the grandboys here.  After a few minor household chores (even though my whole house needs rehauled) I headed downtown Wiarton to attend the Market around 10:30 am.

... and there I found my friend Abby of Miners' Maple Products schmoozing with the Wiarton Mayor John Close.  Cheeky girl trying to still the Homemade Market Pies he had just purchased.  She however did wangle some loot off him for some of her own yummy Maple Syrup Product.  Way to go Abby !   Oh yes I had also ran into my friend, BJ, bottom right hand photo with the potted mums.

I returned home for not too long before both Rob and I had to go back downtown to the bank and two more errands I had not gotten to the first time.  The day flies when you are running around half of it.

This afternoon I spend cleaning off the Telephone Desk, and doing some filing.  Oh yes I also made a call to Brother Canada for some troubleshooting on getting my Fax machine working again, that had taken at least a 1/2 hour.

Both the dust bunnies and the laundry are piling up (still).....*sigh*.

The cleaned off telephone desk.  No "before" photo but the paper waiting to be burned is proof enough how messy the desk had been.  Always a "catch all" spot, it is.

I had taken Chicken Thighs out this morning to put into the Crock Pot.

Once the thighs had cooked on the LOW setting for approx. 6 hours, I removed them to drain the grease from the Crock Pot.  I then returned them to the pot pouring Miners' Maple Chipolte BBQ Sauce over top, turning the Crock Pot onto the HIGH setting for another hour.

Chicken Thighs with Chipolte Sauce and a side of fluffy Brown Rice was oh so YUMMY !

This Weekend is a Holiday "Victoria Day" Weekend, aka May "24" Weekend.  Apparently the Sun is to be out for the weekend, however that does not mean the temperatures are going to be by any means WARM.

Heavy Frost Warning has been forecasted for tonight.  We still have a good supply of wood in the shed, Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard.


  1. The smell of wood smoke in the house again...I'd just got rid of it..Grrrrrrrr.
    Jane x

  2. I made the mistake this morning of leaving without a jacket or sweater into the rain. I felt cold most of the day.

  3. Chilly here too. Been busy reading blogs so the dust bunnies and laundry are piling up! That chipolte barbecue sauce sounds yummy!


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