Tuesday 20 May 2014

Bed Bound

I was in a sound sleep when the phone rang at 10 pm last night in my sickly frame of mind.  Nothing urgent so that was a blessing.  You know that "start" you get when you are awoken out of a dead sleep by the phone in the night hours?  It took me quite awhile to get back to sleep however I helped it along by taking a little pill, as I need my sleep and need to beat this cold before Thursday morning.

I did manage to get back to sleep until 4 am.  I finally got out of bed about 6 am.  I did the normal Aussie chores first thing, then fed and cleaned the puppies by 8 am.

My day was not too exciting as I went back to bed by 9 am, got up around lunch hour, and went back to bed about 2 pm just getting back up before 6 pm..  It is already 7 pm.  Most of my day has been spent being bed bound and sleeping.  You know I am sick when that happens.

Once I had gotten up I had to make a couple of phone calls.  One to the Greyhound Parcel delivery, and another to the Tax man, who apparently has no problem sending out "we have not received your payment" letters after the fact they have cashed your money order over a month prior to sending out the letter.  Get your S**T together Taxman instead of harassing the honest guys will you !!!  *Sigh*

By the way, the number on the Tax letter could not even help me, the guy gave me another number to call tomorrow after 9 am  * shaking head *.

When friends had dropped by yesterday to see the puppies, Bandit had been also having a game of fetch.

Unfortunately our big guy is layed up now as he pulled a muscle in his left haunch.  I could cry for him, the poor boy.  We have been giving in one low dose of Aspirin 81 mg (coated) every 12 hours to give him some relief.  He will not be allowed out with any of the two girls, or anyone holding a ball for some time until he is 100% better.

I have finished off my cuppa Ginger, Lemon & Raw Honey Tea, and thinking I will be back in bed with my electric blanket soon after a hot shower to warm my bones.

Oh yes I also got my Hydro Bill today in the mail, with a reminder the New Electricity Prices started May 1st, after the face I had forgotten until receiving the notice.  Geesh ....

For the Summer Hours "time of use" pricing please go HERE.

Now I am going to have to remember to change up my time of usage November 1st !!  I know by then I will probably have forgotten again.

Tomorrow morning I look forward to beginning a Clear Liquid Diet prior to having scopes done Thursday morning.  Not the best way to loose weight, but I will take it !

I am off towards my bed, and shower, not necessarily in that order, Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkeboard.


  1. Oh Cindy sleep well my friend. HUGS B

  2. Best of luck for Thursday.
    Jane xxx

  3. Do hope you wake up feeling much better. Alice

  4. Sleep is the best doctor! Try to rest as much as you can and get better soon!

  5. Hopefully tonight's more restful.

  6. I do hope you have a good night's sleep and wake up feeling better.


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