Monday 19 May 2014

Magic Potion?

My dear Rob didn't arrive again until the wee hours of the morning at 4 am AGAIN.  Poor guy.  He is still tired and I am still sick.

I did gargle with Listerine which did take the feeling of swallowing broken glass down my throat away.  After I had been out and about with all the Aussies this morning, and had fed and cleaned the Puppies, I went back to be until almost lunch time.

My longtime Blogger friend, Lena of Frugal and Thankful, post the link to my Facebook page about the "magic potion" when she had been sick.  Thanks Lena.   Rob and I have just gotten back from the store after picking up Raw Ginger.

NOTE:  You will NOT want to have this tea without the honey (YECK factor if you do).  Check out the Magic Potion cold remedy by going HERE.  I have also rubbed Vick's Vapour Rub on the bottoms of my feet, as this helped the last cold I had.

Our Rusty's FOREVER HOME gang came over late this afternoon to visit the puppies.  Not only did they visit they helped me with deworming of all 8 of them, which I was grateful for, as Rob was still sleeping and it gave him a break from helping me.

The little Runt is in the first photo, she is a doll.  By the time their company had left everyone was pooped right out !

I had wanted to get an individual photo of each and everyone one, however I wasn't feeling good.  Next time, which will probably be next week.  Can you believe they will be 6 weeks old already? and going to their FOREVER HOMES in a short 2 weeks time?

I am going to take care of the puppies for the last time today, Rob will take care of everyone else for me, as I am going to be calling it a night to seek out my bed here very shortly, Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard.


  1. You know my "recipe" - 1 tsp cayenne, 1/2 tsp ginger, 1 minced raw garlic clove in 1/2 cup garden cocktail - DAILY. Haven't had cold in over 2 yrs... and helps with any many other things!! :D :D

    1. Oh yes I forgot; thanks for the reminder Holly !

  2. Oh please take care and get better my friend my cold is still hanging on heading over to your magic potion. Hug B

  3. Get your rest, and hopefully that magic postion works.

    The pups are just too cute.

  4. Oh no, 'Magic Potion' sounds just awful. Never heard of Vicks Vapor rub on your feet method. And what does it do for your feet? Hope you'll soon be feeling better.....Bess

  5. Hope you feel better soon. What is "garden cocktail" in the recipe?

    1. Garden Cocktail is Tomato Juice with a variety of other Veggies in it.

  6. I actually like the taste of it :) But yes, not without honey. I hope it helps you to feel better very soon.

  7. They are all soo cute ! Hope your feeling better soon !


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