Saturday 29 September 2012

Making Ready For Winter

"I love the beauty of Fall Colours "popping" out everywhere at me."

What I wasn't too happy about this morning was when I was hanging laundry on the line with the Sun out in full force and the rain starting pouring down on me .... this is just how my day began.  I left it as the Sun did show again later today drying it somewhat with the drying of it finished in the clothes dryer.  Can you imagine I used the clothes dryer?

I had to run downtown as I needed a couple pounds of ground pork.  I couldn't restrain myself from coming away with ....

"... all of this for $29.00, with $8.00 of that for the 2 pkg. of pork, not on sale."

I would like to try and get over to the Zehrs store in Owen Sound this week, as they have Butterball Turkeys on for 99 cents a pound !  and Walmart is matching their price on them.  Can't loose on that deal, where else are you going to get a meal, plus how many in leftovers for that price???

I was feeling pretty overwhelmed today, as any other given day in my life, seemingly with too much on the go and not enough time, energy or "mojo".  I had it in my head to do it, so got to it I did.

"I am in desperate need of a Summer Kitchen for Preserving and Canning needs only!  The mess drives me crazier then I already am some days!"

"Regardless I plowed onwards."

"With the stuffing well on its way, I tackled the preparation of the peppers.  I don't know if it was the pain in my neck at this point or still the smell of the cooking onions causing tears to flow down my cheeks.  Maybe a bit of both ... it was just that kind of day I am having."

"While four beautiful stuffed peppers were cooking in a 350*F Oven for our Dinner, I got going on the assembly line with the remaining peppers.  As usual I was the only worker on the line."

I lined the containers with Saran wrap, then wrapped each stuffed pepper with Saran individually.  You will find a good article on Freezing Tips HERE.

Then it was time to reap what I had sown ....

"The Pyrex Casserole Dish I had purchased the other day for $4.50 suited my purpose perfectly.  The last few minutes of cooking, old Cheddar Cheese was added on top.  I have to admit Rob and I were far from disappointed in how flavourful and tasty these Stuffed Green Peppers were."

I multiplied the recipe by four giving me a total of twenty-one stuffed peppers.  Two for Rob's Dinner, one for my Dinner and one for my supper, with the remainder in the freezer for those days I am too busy to cook, or just have no idea what to make.  Making ready for Winter .... to try and keep on top of things.

Recipe Please?  PRINTABLE RECIPE.  Thanks to my friend, Debby, over at Nanny's Place for suggesting Paula Deen's recipe for Stuffed Red Peppers, as I used it as a base recipe adding my own touch with what I had on hand.

I surely hope the "Printable Recipe" feature is working well for those who use it.  Any feedback on it would be most appreciated by leaving a comment here (if anonymously, please include your name as it is nice to see a name), or by sending me off an email at  .

Thanks in advance, all and any comments are appreciated, as I look forward to each and every one.

"This is all that was left of the stuffing.  I could have used 2 more Peppers, but I heated this back up and put it in a Thermos for my "Crabby Cabbie" to have for his supper tonight."

"Never any mind to the rest of the house, but there was a bit of light eventually at the end of this tunnel.  I am getting there, slowly but surely."

"The tops of the Peppers were sliced and are now dehydrating.  I am sure I did 4 sinks of dishes this day ... *sigh*."

Now to a story that has really pulled at my heart strings.  A while ago I began a Facebook Group called Pet Lover's of Bruce County, Buy, Sell or Trade.  The past month there has been a couple of sad stories with a  pets needing new homes, not by choice of their owners, but by choice of life circumstances.

"Let me introduce you to "Lucky"."

This is Lucky's story ....

This gal is still in need of a Forever Home to live out the last few Years of her life with someone who will love her. Should you know of someone who would do this, please let me know ... thank you.

Her Name is "Lucky"... and she originally lived in the Lucknow area but now resides on a farm not far from Holyrood. It's such a sad story, her owner was a single man that was developmentally delayed..however able to drive, owned a horse .. nice man. Lived at home with his Mother until she died about 2 years ago. He ended up in low income housing, and with bladder cancer. Had his bladder removed only to find out that the cancer had spread to limph nodes. He passed away last Sunday. "Lucky" needs a home.

I am a 11 year old spayed female black lab with a few grey hairs. I would be happy on a farm or in town. I'm living on a farm now but came from in town where I was walked frequently. I'm happy sitting beside you while you watch tv and keeping you company whatever your doing. I doubt I'd be happy with other animals or young children because I've never lived with any before. Currently, there's a young pup. a year old, where I am and she's always wanting to play which is too much for me right now. If you know of someone who might be interested in my company for whatever years I have left, I'd be happy to give them the best I have.

There are two ladies, Marilyn and Kathy, who have been actively looking for a new home for Lucky.  The one is fostering her right now, but her circumstances can not allow her to keep Lucky permanently.  Kathy is a member of the Pet Lover's of Bruce County Group.  I, as well as Angel Arms Rescue, are also putting Lucky's story out there in hopes she finds a new Forever Home soon.  

Please contact me should you or someone you know would be interested in keeping Lucky's remaining years "lucky" for her.  Many thanks in advance.  Again, please contact me at .

"We ARE A Pet Nation !"

Did anyone recognize Bandit and Lexus in the video ... I am still very proud of their International debut, as well as the blue eyed Blue Merle Checkerboard Aussie puppy with his tongue out?  from our very first 2011 Litter.

I really don't think I would surprise anyone should I mention I am "tired" and "sore", now would I?  More then likely there is a whole mixed bag adding to one's emotions at any given time I should think.

"Some days she looked around and all she saw was worry, fear and anxiety. But when she looked for goodness, she found goodness everywhere. And she vowed to look more often. ~ Queenisms™"

~ Elm St. off Berford Street, Wiarton ~

Tomorrow is another day, another day brings with it more hope, more hope leads to living a good life, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard".


  1. great deals you got there. Need to pop to Foodland to get some cream cheese on Monday when I am in town.


  2. I don't know hw you do it, Cindy!! The stuffed peppers look delicious!! Yum! Now rest for a day!! Lol!

  3. Saw an advert for a dog named lucky the other day:

    "DOG NEEDS HOME - cross blue heeler, neutered male, aged 3 years. Lost right rear leg after being hit by a car. Blind in right eye after running into a barbed wire fence. Left ear shredded in a fight with a dog too big for his size. Needs a home - answers to the name "Lucky"!

  4. If you need help in finding this dog a home try getting in touch with They take dogs from all over, have many foster homes available and they will assist in finding her a home. That is where I just go my 12 year old boy from. Good luck to Lucky.

  5. I am worn out just reading your post, thats a whole lot of cooking and washing for one day!!! Great deals on the meat. I too have loaded our freezer up the past month on great meat sales. Hope it will help ofset the high prices on everything else these days. Good luck on finding homes for the poor little guys :(

  6. These peppers look mouthwatering! You are amazing!! And I do hope Lucky will find a great home very soon.

  7. pandrheathers@bmts.com2 May 2014 at 18:27

    Just wondering if anyone knows f anyone who has a male Australian Shepherd looking for a mate for my Red Merle!


How nice of you to drop around to have a wee visit with me to see what I have been up to from time to time. I look forward to your comments as they add much brightness to my each and every day to know there are such wonderful people out there.

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