Tuesday 25 September 2012

A Whole Bunch Rolled Into One Day

What a day this day has been !

The first stop of the day was over in Springmount where I was to drop off a box of goodies for my friend, Toni with an "i", for her to pick up later this morning.  I can NOT believe had not taken a photo, as I had left them with a note in front of a storage container at a Storage place.

Ha !  Toni covered it all by posting a photo to me on Cindy's Recipe Exchange, note and all.  Since I had asked her if she had some really happy tomatoes, she wanted me to know exactly how happy they were with her ....

"Those are pretty big smiles ... guess they are in their happy place now.  Hahaha !"

After our box drop off had taken place, Rob and I headed on over ....

"... to the Keady Market.  Rob had not yet been this Year so we took the opportunity to hang out together there first thing this morning."

"We had been there so early Vendors were barely or not yet set up."

"No worries as the Vendors we were wanting to see were all ready to "rock" their wares.  See the really really huge Cabbage on the end of that table? it is now in our fridge."

"Here we bought 10 lbs of #1 Carrots for $6.00.  Check out those radishes ... oh man they are humongous !"

"Left behind in the Smoke again I am."

"Everywhere all the colours seem to just "pop" out at you." 

"This is Joe.  Joe is a friend of my friend, Lisa.  Joe has some pretty cool Halloween stuff at his stand.  He was modelling this little number he had been trying to convince Lisa to purchase the last time they had seen each other.  Ha !  guess it was a "no go" as he is still modelling it himself.  Rob was very amused with Joe's antics."

"Right beside Joe, is a lady I had met last Year at the Keady Market.  Donna-Rae of Donna-Rae's Designs, Southampton, ON  (519) 797-1929.  All sewn creations made by Donna-Rae herself."

"This baby blanket with the Sheep jumped right out at me.  I love the soft look of it ... so lovely."

"Oh my, until Donna-Rae showed me, I hadn't realized there was a "peek-a-boo" on the back of it. How much cuter can it get???  Cost for such an amazing baby blankie?  $45.00.  What a lovely baby gift this would make?"

"Our purchases all loaded up in the back of the Van.  Can you believe we got all of this stuff for $28.00?  Those 4 boxes of juices, Joe sold us by the way, were only $6.00  ... where else would I pay that price for 40 drinking boxes of juice.  Great for the Grandboys, or great as a Halloween "Trick or Treat" Handout at that price."

Rob and I headed home, unloaded our purchases, and I headed out directly afterwards.

"I was meeting up with BJ at the Sauble Beach Community Centre, as the two of us were leading up the VON SMART exercise program here today.  What a great bunch of people ... it had been fun."

"Regardless of how much fun it had been I was happy to see our home, as I was tired since sleep had once again eluded me last night."

Regardless of how tired one is there are still things that have to be done, and getting our Dinner together was one of them.  Leftover Roast Beef needed using up, so a Easy Quick Dish it was made into.

"All fresh produce chopped, diced or minced ready to go."

"Spices taken from their places."

"After first "sweating" the veggies, the leftover chopped up Roast Beef was added."

"My own stewed garden tomatoes follow."

"Along with three cups of boiling water and 2 cups of Pasta."

"One of my favourite dishes made with leftover Roast Beef this day, instead of Hamburger."


"The water gauge had collected over 2 inches of rain the last couple of days.  Today brought with it no rain but beautiful temperatures."

"My Rob was still not feeling well today however insisted on bringing more logs up from out of our bush."

I was interrupted from doing tomatoes (surprise) at the kitchen sink, as Rob needed me once again, as the tractor battery had let him down again.  Off we went back on the ATV.

"Milkweed exploding in the fields."

"The trees and sun are magnificent in all their glory of life."

"Our little Ford 8n revived, only to be put back to work again."

Home again, home again we all go ....

"The prepared tomatoes put into the fridge for the making of Salsa tomorrow ...."

".... and Carrots blanched for the dehydrator."

A Whole Bunch Rolled Into One Day has given me cause to be more tired then when I began this day.  I really enjoyed this day with Rob, away and  back home again, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard".


  1. I don't know how you manage to do it all in one day. Glad you're feeling a bit better. It was a lovely day today wasn't it?


  2. You are such a good cook Cindy! That one pot macaroni dish looks yummy.

  3. Somebody had been a busy bee today! Your dinner looks delicious!!

  4. Your dinner looks so good!!! Lots of running around for you, I could never keep up, Ha I too am loving this cooler weather, I hope it won't end anytime soon


How nice of you to drop around to have a wee visit with me to see what I have been up to from time to time. I look forward to your comments as they add much brightness to my each and every day to know there are such wonderful people out there.

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