Wednesday 25 July 2012

Day 4 ~ Rip Tail Snorters

"Lovely warm wonderful Rain .... gently making everything happy happy happy calling out your name.... Rain ".

I just took this photo 2 shakes of a minute or so ago.  There are even "puddles" !!

You can almost hear the plant life sucking up every drop coming its way .... a nice rain, not pelting and running off the hard ground, glorious rain we have been waiting so long for.

Yesterday at Vacation Bible School, Connor had made a Lobster, which he called a "monster".  He could not wait until we got home so he could scare his Papa with it.

"There certainly has been a lot of scaring going on around these parts since the Rip Tail Snorter # 2 has arrived."

Just because the boys are here, does not mean everything else that I normally do on a daily basis has stopped, especially where the "Checkerboard Aussies" are concerned.

"Little Missy Mercedes is still ripping up the yard first thing in the morning."

"With Lexus and Buddy out and about doing their morning usual morning rituals."

Since Bandit sleeps in a little longer, he goes out after everyone else, as he needs no supervision since he is now 7 years old, and the other three still quite babyish ... lol.

"I had to admire how nice the garden looked after being freshly tilled by Rob the day before.  Perfect timing with the rain arriving tonight."

"Look what I spotted silhouetted over in the East sitting in front of our Wood Shed.  Just what we didn't need.  I am certain the Mother cat, who by the way has not been seen for some time now, was dropped off by some terribly rude irresponsible person(s)."

"Yesterday I scored all these clothes from the Swap for $20.00.  Aiden, Connor and I went through them all this morning.  All in really excellent used condition, with the majority going to be working out for Connor quite nicely."

"While I was doing up the breakfast dishes and such, Papa and the boys were out by the pond checking out the Paint Turtle."

"Shortly before 9:00 am the three of us were at the front entrance to go in for Day 3 of Vacation Bible School at the Wiarton Frank Street Baptist Church."

"Once inside the boys wait their turn to get their sticker of the day put in their booklets."

I had been thinking this morning, what kind of Grandmother would I be if I didn't bake up my Grandchildren a little something while they are here?

"Out the recipes came to make ready.  I am getting smarter in my later years by covering each recipe with plastic sheet protectors not to get them soiled, as I normally used to have happen whenever I cooked or baked.  I do so use my Recipe clipboard my Secret Sister had gifted me."

"First to be whipped up is the Best Ever Banana Muffin Recipe from the Muffin Mania Cookbook.  Rob's favourite muffin."

"While the Muffins were baking I thought I would try the Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe I read about over at A Pretty Life in the Suburbs."

Recipes please?

Best Ever Banana Muffins
Recipe Source: Muffin Mania 

2 c. mashed bananas (4-5 med.)
3/4 c. white sugar
1 egg
1/3 c. melted butter or margarine
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
1 1/2 c. all purpose flour

Mash bananas. Add sugar and slightly beaten egg; add the melted butter; add dry ingredients.

Fill greased muffin cups and Bake at 375* F for 20 minutes (or longer depending on Oven).

Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies
Recipe adapted from The Looneyspoons Collection, by 

1 1/4 cups flour
1 cup rolled oats
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
3/4 cup packed brown sugar
1/3 cup butter or margarine
1/3 cup peanut butter
1 egg
1/3 cup chocolate chips

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.

In a mixer, combine the sugar, butter, peanut butter and egg, until smooth.

In another bowl mix together the flour, oats, baking soda and salt.

Then add the flour mix to the butter mix and combine.

Mix in the chocolate chips.

Roll the cookie dough into 1 1/2 inch balls, then place them on a cookie sheet about 2 inches apart. Using a fork, gently flatten the cookies.

Bake for about 10 minutes. The cookies should be soft and chewy

"I am thinking both the muffins and the cookies were looking pretty good, just waiting for ... "

"... the two Rip Tail Snorters to arrive home to do the "Taste Test".  I am pretty sure they were passed by the looks on those mugs !"

The boys had their snack when we arrived back home from Vacation Bible School, as Papa was called out and we had to hold Dinner over for him.  He eventually did arrive back home by 1 pm so we were able to all sit down together then.

"I had to man the Barbecue for a change.  Do these Turkey Sausage not look perfectly cooked? LOL ... I am really certain Rob would still do a much better job then I (don't want him to think I will be wearing the BBQ hat by any means all the time, now do I?)."

"Lunch was put on "hold" momentarily as gifts first had to be given and tried on."

"Aiden had made himself and Papa honest to goodness "real" Pirate hats today.  Arrrgh ..... out to Sea did ya say Billy?"

"They had to share the fun with Buckwasher Bandit of course.  He also looks to be the Pirate type I thought."

Papa had to adorn his "Crabby Cabbie" hat and take off on down the highway in a southerly direction.

The boys and I decided to hang outside for the rest of the afternoon.

"Something was hiding out underneath the protective cover of this Hosta."

"Not only one ....."

"...but two."

"....three there are."

I thought I would try the "Black &White" option on my camera, thinking it didn't turn out too badly on this photo.

Watching the three kittens, one Black & White, Grey & White and one Blackish Brown, and they watching us, was entertainment for most of the remaining afternoon.  The rain did begin with supper time coming around again.

Supper over with, the Rip Tail Snorters in the bath, 4 "Checkerboard Aussies" still needing in, out and about for the night, and one very tired and frazzled looking Grandma will be also needing her bed before too long, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard".


  1. Looks like a great day with the grandkids, Cindy!! :) Great score on the clothes too!! yay!! The kittens are sooo sweet! Love little kittens! We need rain here desperately too... but it seems like we "just miss it" everyday... oh well.

  2. I love to visit here. It sounds like your visitors are keeping you really busy :-). I know you are enjoying their company. Have a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  3. "there are puddles"
    welcome to my world


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