Thursday, 6 October 2011

A Visit To The "Lady Of The Corran" For A Cup Of Tea

I slept most of the night away, but why on God's green earth am I still tired?  Another one of life's mysteries, as I never seem to be completely rested ..... but I did sleep so this was a "bonus", regardless of how I am feeling right now... lol.

Now onto my yesterday .... beginning in its most usual humdrum fashion by making our bed, carrying on to the tidying of the kitchen, sweeping the floors, going out to pick some green tomatoes .....

"Stopping along the way to admire the Monkshood which has just recently began to bloom showing off it's regal colour of purple."

I then continued on to pick and wash some beets for our dinner, feeding the beet greens to the chickens before I headed in to get the vegetables on the go.

It was such a beautiful Fall day so while our dinner was cooking I took advantage by taking down the curtains from the kitchen and spare bedroom windows and throwing them into a wash.

By the time I had completed that task, it was time to think about getting the table set, our Dinner set out and onto our plates .... I had been looking forward to the Dinner I had made for us.

"Yummy, I had done a Peameal Bacon roast in the slow cooker first thing in the morning, and served it alongside brussel spouts, beets and potatoes."

By the time our dinner was enjoyed and cleaned up from, it was almost time for my "Crabby Cabbie" to leave for work.  After he had left it was just another humdrum chore of folding and putting a load of laundry away before I gathered up our Lexus to head up the road for a walk into Spirit Rock.

"Spirit Rock is one of my most favourite places to go for a walk.  It is only 2 minutes up the road from us, it is peaceful with beautiful views and it is not too much of a lengthy walk from where I park at the gate to walk  in and back out, I would say approx. 20 minutes at a normal clip."

"Here we are already parked with the van off to the side as we make our way down the path towards "The Corran"."

"Lexus has learned to be most patient when we are at a stand still for me to take pictures.  This has come with maturity on the part of Lexus, as she used to pull at one time with the camera almost flying out of my hands.   Good girl, Lexus."

"Up around a bend we come, with this being about the half way mark to "The Corran"."

" We make it in to the parking area, where there are also washroom facilities available at this location."

"This signage gives a "wee" little bit of history on the property from the time it was held by it's original owner, Alexander McNeil from 1882 - 1932, as well as showing how the trail loops at this particular location."

"We arrive at the gates which must have had many carriages, buggies, wagons and livestock go through at one time."

"Those gates lead into the ruins of what had been a stable and barn so long ago, housing those same carriages, buggies, wagons and livestock that had passed through those gates so many years ago that are now long past ."

"We made our way from the stable area by retracing our steps and heading over to the ruins of "The Corran".

"My imagination takes great leaps and bounds within my head as I look upon these ruins imagining ladies and gentlemen ascending these stairs to attend to an "afternoon tea" being served by "The Lady of the Corran" herself."

"We leave the ruins to head on down and around the loop leading to the path descending towards the "Spirit Rock Lookout"."

"We make it to the lookout where we can see way across to the other side of Colpoy's Bay.  What a beautiful sight."

"One could descend down to the shoreline of Colpoy's Bay, and make their way into Wiarton by taking these very very steep stairs.   I, myself, have been down these stairs twice before with quite a "queasy" stomach each time, as I am very poor with heights."

"Lexus and I made out way back, up and back towards the main trail on these paths made from rock and tree trunks, constructed by no other then Mother Nature herself."

"Along the Bruce Trails there is signage to be found everywhere so I am certain there should be no fear of NOT finding one's way to their final destination."

"Here we go continuing on around the loop as we made our way back."

"By this time, Lexus is getting quite bored with the whole "picture" taking thing by the look and very big yawn she has going on here."

"Here we are already at the end of the loop taking us back out to the main road where our vehicle is parked, only a short 10 minute or so walk from here now."

With all my lolly gagging, picture taking and "pee" stops for Missy Lexus, the whole walk took us only 45 minutes ..... so on a dry Fall day, or in  my case, anytime, I most certainly enjoy walking in to see the sights of "The Corran" and the "Spirit Rock" lookout where I can let my imagination drift off with me going along for the sheer pleasure of it all .....

Now I will share the two pictures that were taken by my friend, Carol, in Sussex, England to see what it was like over there only being a couple of days past from now.

"Carol stated in her email to me that Fall was not in full swing over there yet, however I am seeing a lot more colour in her pictures then mine have yet to show."

" .... and such lovely manicured grounds.  I am thinking these pictures Carol has chosen to share with me are very lovely indeed.  Thanks again, Carol."

England.  Another place I would love someday to travel to.  How fortunate we have all this technology now a days, as there is a new whole world out there opened up to us by now just "googling" it !!!  Thank goodness for me anyway, as I would never get to go anywhere far from Bruce County if I couldn't "google" it.

I have my VON SMART exercise program today to attend to, so I best be getting on with checking out what the weather has to say about my day ahead and get on with it.

What is there NOT to like about a forecast like that ????  I would have to be NUTS not to !!!

Things to do, people to see, so here I go off and running, once again, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard".

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