Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Just Getting A "Wee" Bit Home Sick.

It is absolutely wonderful that Tim and I get on so well together, as it makes for an easier task of taking care of his needs....

Yesterday, after first had my morning coffee, I made some necessary phone calls,  unloaded the dishwasher, changed Tim's bedding, while he compiled a list of a few things he needed from the store, and then I readied myself for the day ahead.  I actually remembered to comb my

After I was dressed, making sure Tim didn't need anything, I headed into Kitchener to the closest Walmart Store to make Tim's purchases.  Since the hospital bed (rented), that is set up in the Family Room, is not too comfortable with its coils, we decided a egg crate foam bed topper might be a solution.  After completing the shopping list, I headed back home.
I returned to find the physiotherapist was there watching Tim go through his motions of physio excersises, at a good steady pace I might add, determined to get himself back to shape day by day.

Not too long after I had arrived the therapist took her leave and I got some lunch together for Tim, along with a pot of tea.

Then I went for a walk to retrieve the mail to try and clear the "cobwebs" from my head.

Once I got back I really can't remember what I did that brain is on overload.  There are just some days it doesn't take much. 

I did start getting supper prepared around 4:00, with the cleaning of new potatoes and beets, from there on in it was just a matter of boiling them, taking the leftover roast beef from the fridge and reheating the gravey. 

Bob had worked his 12 hours shift, but was up in time to have supper with us at 5:00 p.m., before he had to leave by 6:15 to go back for his last shift this week.

"Leftovers can be absolutely the "best" sometimes, and the roast beef and gravey were !"

After supper was finished and cleaned up, I took to the streets of New Dundee, once again, off to the Post Office to mail a letter for Tim.  Once back to the house again, I got to talk to Rob for a little bit, then Tim and I both decided to call it a night by 9:00 p.m..

Two pages of reading a book I had picked up, I found myself nodding off, so I gave up and gave in to my fatique.  Well that certainly didn't last too long as when I next looked at the clock it was 11:49 p.m., and then from there on in every hour on the hour !!!  Needless to say, here I am feeling pretty tired.

I love being here with my friends, however I do miss Rob, Bandit and Lexus.  Rob is my best friend, regardless of our differences at times, he is still my "rock", good, bad or indifferent.

I get to see both grandsons, Aiden and Connor, play baseball tonight.  After supper, Bob & I are going to go over to Shakesphere to watch them play !!!  I am rather excited about doing this, so in the meantime I think I will try to rest up for a bit in hopes to be less tired after supper when we go.

Just not too much in the "mood" to blog these past few days, so short and sweet it is, as I try to keep my thoughts positive and not let them run away too far out of my reach.

It won't be much longer until I will be returning to my family and home, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard".
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