Monday 1 August 2011

Goodbye July And Hello August !

Considering we had not much of a, if any, Spring, where in the heck did July go????  I certainly will have to go back to read my blog for the whole past month, as I don't recall to much of it since it flew by so quickly.  August 1st?  all I can say is, "Wow" to that.

My day started pretty quiet around here yesterday morning, with the same old, same old, just another day despite the fact it is a Holiday Weekend. 

Since it was such a beautiful morning, Bandit, Lexus and I, did spend some more time together wandering around our property in a more leisurely fashion and taking in the beauty of the summer flowers.

"My Hosta bed just soaked up the rainfall we had, renewing itself with flowers galore."

I see Bandit and Lexus, in the background of this picture, are not taking our stroll of admiring Summer flowers in a serious family matter, as they are seemingly goofing off once

"This Hydrangea looks like it has perfect snowballs attached to its stems, that you might pick and throw at someone to cool them off in the heat of a summer's day."

"Two different colour varities of the Cone Flower (Echinnicia)".

"The "Indian Summer Daisy" is one of my favorites."

I am starting to get a little better in remembering some of the plants I have and their names.  I am totally amazed how some people can just rhyme off their whole gardens, plant by plant...and the proper names, most I can't even pronounce.  Unbelievable !!!  Total respect for those gardeners, as I am such a Novice gardener still, and will probaly remain so.

My Crabby Cabbie was so tired yesterday morning from the long hours he put in at work Friday and Saturday, I just let him sleep off the crabbiness.  It worked!!!  We had a the "most" wonderful day together with no crabbiness at all!  Just think I wasn't Mrs. Crabby either !  LOL.

Once Rob did rise from bed, we  had coffees and decided we would head up to "The Tub" (Tobermory) to Stop # 1 on the Explore the Bruce Adventure Passport to get our passport punched.  For those of us who are not famillar with it, it is all explained at the following website link:

There is still lots and lots of time, to jump on board to having an Explore the Bruce Adventurewith your own hop into your vehicle or onto your motorcycle and check it out !

Our first rest stop was just on the outskirts of Tobermory, at the Lone Wolf Drive Thru.

"Yes people, it does say "Cheap Smokes" and "Smoked Fish" !  Ever wonder how those fish are smoked?  LOL....."

"Native crafts may also be purchased here; some of the artwork is totally amazing and creative."

"I couldn't believe these bikers,  just hovering around the Homemade French Fry stand of course !"

I was surprised when a lady came up to us and asked if we would like her to take our picture.  It is a very rare thing for Rob and I to have our picture taken together.  I think I have shrunk since being with Rob so many

If you ever do head up the Tobermory way, it is a "MUST" to srop in at this Chip Wagon, as they have the best homemade french fries either of us had ever tasted.  A definite place to jump off the cholestral wagon once and try out.

We managed to get ourselves lost, but it was a place I didn't mind getting lost at, now that was another matter wherein Rob was concerned.....seriously there wasn't too much grumbling on the walk when we finally came upon this view.

"The view and landscaping in and around this Cove was breathtaking."

Don't ask me where this is, other then I can say in and around close to Tobermory, but I do know how to get back there with no problem at all, as you just keep to the right.....LOL.

We finally made it to our destination, where we punched our passport.

"This is actually Aventure Stop #2, I believe, on the Passport.  The Lighthouse at the end of "Big Tub Road", right in Tobermory."

Much to Rob's delight we got the "Heck out of Dodge". Being a holiday weekend, you can well imagine how busy Tobermory was, and the Ferry traffic was at a "peak".

Never been to Tobermory, it is well worth the drive to the tip of the Bruce Peninsula to see.  Check it out at the following website link:

We just barely got back home and the phone was ringing for the "Crabby Cabbie" to go back to work.  Places to be and people to pick up. 

Rob left, and the "kids" and I, once again, watched him go......

"Left to our own devices once again."

Rob did arrive back home just before 9:00 p.m, to take me downtown to Subway for our supper.  It certainly wasn't too long after returning back home that we were both in bed and down for the count.

The Wiarton Airport Weatherman says today is going to be......


Sunny. Wind becoming northwest 20 km/h late this afternoon. High 28. UV index 9 or very high.


Clear. Wind northwest 20 km/h becoming light this evening. Low 16.

....another beautiful Summer day in Bruce County !  Hooray  !!!

Here it is August 1st, my first cup of coffee into me, my darling husband snoring away oblivious to what is going on, the dogs still needing to be taken out.....I am so looking forward to my next adventure today, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard".

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