Sunday 10 July 2011

A Day Out & About With Rob On The Bike

That was some beautiful (finally) summer day we had in Bruce County yesterday.  Not one ounce of complaint I am sure in anyone's thoughts about it, mine especially as I had a great day once I managed to get the "Mack" truck rolled off myself....LOL.

We got off to a late start in our day, as I keep quiet all morning so Rob could get some much needed sleep until he got up at 11:00 a.m..  Nothing worse then a "grumpy" "Crabby Cabbie", so letting him sleep in was a good plan on my 

Until then I kept myself busy by unloading the dishwasher, folding a basket of laundry, spending time with Bandit and Lexus, washing and hanging out some mats, planting a new plant in the pond garden.....all those little things that need attending to which take time.

Once we had our late breakfast over with, we headed out downtown Wiarton, on our Motorcycle, as there was a Super Sidewalk Sale being put on by the local stores.  We did a tour of downtown from one end to the other end.  No exciting purchases other then a snowman tea light holder, as the Sally Anne store's theme was Christmas in July.  I spent a whole whopping .75 cents.

We came back home to have a little break before we headed  back downtown for the 4:00 p.m. car/truck/motorcycle registration at Bluewater Park, once we had collected our neighbour, Doug, who went along with us.

"Registered and all ready to head out for downtown"

"Motorcycles lined up infront of Wiarton's Municipal Building with cars down in the North section of town."

This first bike in the row is a 1959 Harley Davidson, owned by Lyle Buchart of Wiarton.   I am thinking there couldn't have been a better year for this Harley to be built, since I am pretty partial to the year

"This was either Jones' first truck, or one of their first trucks; I couldn't say for sure."

"All the pictures of it first in action way back in the day."

"It was a very good turn out with the street being full of participating vehicles."

"A couple I am sure Rob would like to own."

"....and most certainly a few I wouldn't mind having myself."

"Watch yourself when you are out and about Wiarton...the "State Police" could be watching YOU !"

"I wonder who was working the Grab A Cab Taxi, as both "Crabby Cabbies" had been sighted, and not shy about it either."

"It appears by the smile on this little guy, fun was being had by everyone in attendance at Wiarton's Saturday evening "Freeze Fest"."

LOL....he was so cute and reminded me of the little dog that used to be on Petticoat Junction.  Now that is going way back......

By 7:00 p.m., it started to get really busy with people almost shoulder to shoulder, and I was starting to get hungry for supper.  We thought we might try the new "Fries R Us", located just down by Bluewater Park, before the Wiarton Marina.

"A busy little spot with a great location."

....but we opted for something a bit healthier and ended up going to have a $5.00 sub at Subway.  I was happier with that, as french fries are usually a "treat" and not a staple in my diet now a days.

We got home with Rob putting the bike away, letting the dogs out and hitting the "sack".  I couldn't even say what time I was sleeping by, as I am sure it was as soon as our heads had hit the pillows.

We had a great day relaxing and spending some quality time together.  There is always things that need doing around the house, but sometimes we just need to take a break from it all by taking some time out with each other.

I wonder what the Wiarton Airport weatherman has to say about today's forecast.


Mainly cloudy. 40 percent chance of showers this morning. Wind becoming southwest 20 km/h this afternoon. High 29. UV index 9 or very high.


Mainly cloudy. 30 percent chance of showers overnight. Wind southwest 20 km/h becoming light this evening. Low 19.

Showers?  Certainly doesn't look like showers outside my windows at the moment.  Hopefully they are wrong and the showers will wait until we are fast asleep in our beds tonight.

Rob is still sleeping, Bandit and Lexus both have been out for their morning jaunt already, so I think I will jump into the shower after another cup of Java, then see how my day unfolds ahead of me, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard."

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