Thursday 14 July 2011

Bandit & Lexus' Cousin Came to Visit

What a "perfect" weather day was that yesterday here in Bruce County, or hopefully not "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard"?  I couldn't believe how comfortable it was to be out and about in; a sheer joy after all of that humidity the couple of days before.

Rob was able to fix the steering arm on the riding lawn mower and finished cutting the front lawn, as well as getting all the trimming done.  There was a lovely breeze coming through the house while I washed the floors.  It was nice to be able to wash floors without my sweat pouring back down onto them.  The bed sheets billowed out on the clothes line and dried in no time at all.  It couldn't have been a more perfect weather to provide a feeling of comfort while getting some much needed things done in and around the house.

Bandit and Lexus had their cousin "Lacey" come to visit with them yesterday morning.  Bandit and Lacey had a couple of big romps out and about together.  Lexus had a visit with her while Rob cleaned out the outside kennel run, but I wasn't out there to take pictures of the two of them together.....double darn it all!

"Hey pay attention, can't you see we are getting our picture taken together?"

"There that is better....we need to look our best you know?"

"Boys, they always have to be the "center" of attention and ham things up!"

"Well, nuts to him, I am certainly going to look my "best" for the picture of myself."

Ha,ha,ha....Bandit and Lacey really did have a good time together.  I am sorry I didn't get pictures of Lexus and Lacey together, however to let Lexus go "full tilt", I don't think Lacey would ever have had a chance keeping up with an "Aussie" girl that is almost two years old....LOL.  Maybe next time Cousin Lacey comes to visit?

I follow "The British Woman's" blog from time to time.  Yesterday she had posted a "News Article" from NaturalNews.TV on artificial ingredients.  I just could not, "not" share this link with with anyone and everyone.  Not that most of us don't know what is going on anyhow, but it is just one more "healthy" eye opening reminder.  Check out the following link:

Buyer beware by making sure you read the contents of the package !!!  I do realize this is the States, but how naieve would we be if we didn't think this was not happening in Canada as well?  Thanks to Gillian for posting this article on her "blog".

If we really stopped and thought about it, we would scare ourselves half to death by the thoughts of what we really do put into our mouths lot of times, would we not?  I am sure being from the "Baby Boomer" era, or like myself  the very tail end of it, we all need to be more aware, as health is such a big factor in all our lives, as well as our children and grandchildren's lives.  We need to be aware of what is in those packages we are purchasing....and then some.  Don't forget a "peck" of dirt a day won't hurt our immune system either, as it was quite benefical to it when we were all growing up, was it not?  LOL.

I just came in from a morning romp with Bandit and, what a beautiful day it is out there already! 


Sunny. High 25. UV index 9 or very high.


Clear. Low 14.

Yep, just as I thought another beautiful day in store for good ole' Bruce County.  I am starting to like that Wiarton Airport weather forecaster guy again !  LOL.

I have a busy day ahead of me, once again, as I want to get this and that accomplished before Aiden's arrival on Sunday.  I am so excited for him to be coming again this summer for a week!!!  I am taking it while I can, as in another couple years the last thing on his mind will be to come to Grandma and Poppa's for a week out of his Summer vacation !

There are a few things on my agenda for the day ahead, so I might as well get an early start by getting to them now....or maybe after I have that one more cup of Java "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard."

1 comment:

  1. Lacey is growing, haven't seen her in a while. Paula said she had been up.



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