Thursday 13 August 2015

What Lies Within Us

Aiden has been loving most of his visit with us, but has been quite tired since he has been so very busy.

Aiden has been helping Kiersan at KONES, downtown Wiarton, scoop ice cream, Sunday and Wednesday.  He goes back tomorrow.  Lucky boy to be learning business at almost 11 years old.

Rob picked up the mail today and there had been a surprise for me posted from my hometown of Southampton.  I have no idea who sent this to me however what I know it gave me an inkling of hope that I needed desperately, reminding me what lies within us ...

Is it not beautiful?  I absolutely LOVE both, and would LOVE to thank who took the time to have me in their thoughts and be so kind in their gesture towards me. xxx

What did I get done today? a load of laundry, the dishes done up and our bed part made.  I am so tired I barely know my name.

I exchanged a pair of Merrell sandals at Beckers Shoes downtown as they had caused me problems.  These Reikers are what I replaced them with ... love the bling and the feel of them.  Yes I did also get the banking done too.

Portia's due date is today, hope she has then soon.... stay tuned on their page HERE.

Did I mention how tired I was? this is all she wrote this day, feeling blessed Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard.


  1. Very kind of your friend to send that along!

  2. Beautiful little gift! Love your new sandals!

  3. like your sandals also a great brand. Hope Portia has the puppies soon.

  4. What a lovely gift from a thoughtful person:) I am coveting your gorgeous sandals!


How nice of you to drop around to have a wee visit with me to see what I have been up to from time to time. I look forward to your comments as they add much brightness to my each and every day to know there are such wonderful people out there.

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