Monday 3 August 2015

Down For The Count

Yes it has finally caught up with me and I am now down for the count.  My throat is burning and raw, my glands are swollen, and my head is ready to explode with a runny stuffy nose to boot.

I am sick, and nothing at the moment is taking that from me.  And
sleep? whatever might that be she asks.

This is all she wrote this day, but not all she has done this day, Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard.


  1. Get your butt to bed and try to rest Cindy~ Lynn
    I've been meaning to ask you...What kind of
    camera do you have? I can't seem to find one
    I like....Take care.

  2. Ohhhhhh crap! Take it easy and nap if you can - there's NOTHING you HAVE to do today!


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