Sunday 24 March 2013

A Yummy Pucker Up Day

At Christmas one of Cindy's Recipe Exchange Members, Ellen, had thought it would be fun to exchange Christmas Cards.  This we did.  Some of us also included a recipe in with our cards.  My friend, Elsie, who is not only a member of the Exchange, she is also someone I grew up with, had sent me a Chatelaine Recipe for Pucker-Up Squares.  Since I received the recipe, I have been  dying to make for Rob.

Today was that day .....

"With the crust made and in the oven browning, I got going on making the topping."

"They turned out "Pucker-Up" Perfect !"

"These squares were not only in mind for my Rob, but as a wee gift for my Auntie Gladys who makes so much for Rob, even the times he is so bold to even ask her to make things for him!  Just in time almost for Easter.  Thank you Auntie.  I will also do up a tin to take up for my Mother this week.  They do make a nice gift tucked in a Vintage Easter tin, don't you think?|"

Recipe please?  Just *click* HERE.

Around lunch time Rob and I decided we would hand deliver the gift to my Auntie in Port Elgin.  We also dropped by to see friends, Blaine & Kathy McKenzie of Southampton, as they lost their home to fire this past Friday Evening.  A fund raising event has been organized by family members.  Please show your support this Saturday as follows:

Rob and I personally know how it feels to loose a home to fire, as we lost ours 16 years ago, walking away with only the clothes on our backs.  The support we received from family members and friends was ever so much appreciated, as such an experience is beyond overwhelming.  The one thing you will never replace is photographs, so please keep a backup of your photos in a very safe fire proof spot.  All else material wise can be replaced, regardless of sentimental values which can also be so difficult.  

We were more fortunate then Blaine and Kathy, as we never lost any of our animals as they have also had to deal with.  Thoughts, prayers and support go out from us to the McKenzies & their family.

Once we got back home later today, Rob was called out to a "Crabby Cabbie" duty while I was on "puppy duty" clean-up, etc.  I did manage to take another "Puppy Parte-eh" video, however it is still uploading.  I am hoping to have it posted later tonight, or tomorrow.  Way too cute and fun !

"Bandit absolutely LOVES when Rob is home on the rare occasions he is, as it is play time or cuddle time.  Sometimes I am certain Bandit is Rob's 2nd skin."

I am a member of Klout.  Occasionally by being a member there is the odd "perk" here or there.  Last month I received a coupon for a free package of High Liner's Pan-Sear Fish.  At $14.00 plus a box for four pieces of fish, I am happy I received a free coupon to "try it".

"Tried, tested and neither of us cared for it.  The flavour of Roasted Garlic & Herbs was overpowering.  It didn't even taste like there was any fish within the coating.  Thank you for the free try High Liner, but it will not be a purchase in our household again."

Where does the day go to?  Here it is almost 7:30 pm already.  I do not feel like I accomplished a darn thing today, even though I know I have.

I am tired with hopes of calling it an early evening here very shortly, of course after everyone has been out, about and back in, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard".


  1. My friend had a house fire, her little dog alerted her to the fire and then lost his own life. Heartbreaking.
    Jane x

  2. What a nice photo of Rob and Bandit - play time Sunday!
    Aimee from Craftmates

  3. Hi Cindy~ Pucker up Bars! Sounds yummy! Have a great week! Lynn

  4. Yum, these bars look so good! Just this morning Hubby and I were talking about a need to back up some important documents and pictures just in case. I think it could be considered a part of spring cleaning, right? :)

  5. First, I love the name "pucker up bars." Second, they look really refreshing and perfect for Easter/spring.
    Thank you for stopping in and linking, Cindy!

    A friend of mine lost everything in a house fire. She also said that loss of family pictures was the hardest thing.

  6. Oh love the sound and look of those bars. mmmmm
    I am so sorry about that poor family. B

  7. Lemon squares are something that are always first to go at potluck meals-everyone loves them!

  8. Pucker-up squares sound great, I love citrus! That is so sad about the fire, I can only imagine how devastating that would be :(

  9. Prayers and wishes go out to Blaine and Kathy and their children.
    Stay strong and know that there is alot of kindness and support in the community and elsewhere, and we will step up and help in this time of need!
    So sorry for your loss.

    Jason, Shawna, Laura

  10. The bars will be a fantastic gift - they look delicious!

  11. Thanks for sharing with us at In and out of the Kitchen

  12. These look really good! I found you from the In and Out of the Kitchen party. I would love if you would share these on my site:

  13. The bars look delicious! I am also always worrying about my many, many photo albums, because you are right - that can never be replaced. Thank you for sharing at our ALL MY BLOGGY FRIENDS Link party !

  14. Thank you for entering this recipe at the Top Recipe Showcase for March 2013. Yummy.

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  16. I hope all works out for Blaine and Kathy...


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