Monday 28 December 2015

Testing Testing Testing

This man, my husband Rob, is most wonderful and supportive.  He is my ROCK .... having some awful days the past few, he never wavered from my side for a moment.  When our PC broke down yesterday morning, he drove us over to Owen Sound to pick out a new one for us, then later that same day had a game of Scrabble with me.  The first time in over 20 years we ever had a game, and he did it for me, as most his daily actions are with me foremost in his mind. I am blessed to have such a wonderful husband, truly I am .... thanks Honey.

After lunch today, Rob got the new PC hooked up.  I then was able to get it up and running to begin a lengthy time to update and then install the new Windows operating "10" system.  It took about 4 hours in total, then Office needed installed, as well as invoicing for the Crabby Cabbie had to be all set up.  Very time consuming to get something new up and running properly.

 This morning I was able to do some "test" shots with my new camera, then get all the gifts out to be wrapped for our Christmas this upcoming weekend.  I will be busy wrapping tomorrow, as well as cleaning I hope.

I had been out and about this afternoon, so with my new camera in hand there had been more testing, testing, testing ......

I am pleased with the tests, and tickled "pink, blue & yellow" with my new camera.  Thanks once again, honey, for the thoughtful Christmas Gift.

I appreciate everyone's concern and best wishes while I struggle through the journey of getting and being well.  I wish I could "wave a wand" and be better, however unfortunately my brain isn't wired to do that, so I must take one day at a time, even down to minute by minute some days, until the day I find my "normal".  In the meantime all the support I receive could not be more appreciated and I can not express enough the gratitude for those of you who stand by me in my days of the roller coaster rides, my husband being Number One on that list. Thank YOU.

Also "special thanks" to my friend, Sharon, who tries to get out to walk with me everyday, and lends her kind ear for anything I might have to say.  Thanks for being my walking partner, Sharon.

The nice part also of long time, some 40 year, friendships, is being able to also pick up the phone if I am having a down day.  I am blessed to have so many friends, and wonderful family members.

Today?  I had a really good day, which certainly made up for the last 4 not so good days, Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard.


  1. So glad you had a good day Cindy, and hope you enjoy the new camera! But who won the Scrabble game!?

  2. Testing complete and went well:):) Take care Merry Christmas and the best of 2016 Cindy. You have a guy like me we are very lucky indeed. Hug B


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