Wednesday 23 December 2015

Christmas Peeking Around The Corner

This was the beginning of a "not too bad", but busy day.  Other then a few drizzles of rain here and there throughout the day, I must say it had pretty much been a stellar day for December 23rd, 2015.

My day went pretty smooth with a couple of bumps here and there.  The day is almost at its end, and I made it through those bumps "ok".

I find out now that I have been diagnosed with Bipolar, magnifying things "out of control" have been, and are part of it.  Also interesting enough, in speaking to another person who has bipolar 1, there is much truth in seeing the "one negative out of ten positive".  It gets all pretty cobwebby some days in my head, even though others can not see it .... frustrating also when something is in my head and comes out completely "off the wall", out of my mouth.  Very frustrating and at times embarrassing.

The only solace I have been getting out of all this, is knowing I have not been  "loosing it", and I have not been "imaging" it all now I know difference with the realization it has been the disorder all along.  Also I take a bit of comfort in knowing the medications I am now on will eventually begin working towards me feeling a bit more saner in my own head.  This I am counting on, and if not there had better be a "Plan "B"".

 "Normal" is only a setting on the washing machine, so my Niece told her Mother.  I strive to be that washing machine setting.  Once again, I cannot express how much I appreciate all the support I have been given. Thank you to all.

You know I believe I have begun to miss blogging somewhat.  This has to be a good sign, is it not?  I think so.

On a lighter note, can anyone believe Christmas is just peeking around the corner at us?  and the weather? a green Christmas will be the order this Year.

What is going on with myself and my Rob this Christmas? we will both be home with our Aussies and the new addition of our kitteh, Leo.

We acquired, or should I say, "adopted" Leo this past Monday.  He is quite the character. (Auntie do not be shaking your head at me, as I know you are xoxoxo).  I still think we should have gotten a female, as they are definite better mousers then a male.  True story.

Bandit has been busy "herding" Leo the past couple of days.  Portia has only yet met him through her crate, we will give her time to get used to him that way first before we let them go nose to nose.  Bandit had been brought up with kittens, so he is an old hand at it, and very happy to have a new job.

Back to Christmas .... our grandkids, at least 5 of them, along with Paul & Liz, will be coming up New Year's Day for the weekend.  Rob and I will be celebrating with some movies and a Prime Rib roast for our Christmas Dinner.  Oh Yum, maybe Yorkshire Puddings and gravy too?

I am happy to say I have been walking as often as my walking friend, Sharon, and I can manage to get out together.  Poor Sharon has a sore leg, and I have a sore left calf, which I think is resulting from some nerve testing I had last month.  We get by on at least 5000 steps per walk, which I think is pretty darn good.  Thanks Sharon, I have missed our walking the past couple of years when we had stopped.

Tomorrow? I hope I can get some housework done, so Christmas Day Rob and I can just lounge around all day.  Rob deserves a much needed day "off".

For today? this is all she wrote, Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard.


  1. I have had days that feel cobwebby.

    Leo is a cutie!

    Merry Christmas!

  2. Cindy, i hope you have a very Peaceful Christmas! Glad you're making sone progress with your diagnosis and treatment.

  3. Merry Christmas my friend sending hugs and good wishes for a healthy "Normal"??) New Year. hugs B

  4. Your Christmas plans sound lovely and peaceful. Have a good day.


How nice of you to drop around to have a wee visit with me to see what I have been up to from time to time. I look forward to your comments as they add much brightness to my each and every day to know there are such wonderful people out there.

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