Wednesday 29 January 2014

This One Or That One ?

On the sixth day, God turned to Archangel Gabriel and 
said, "Today I am going to create a land called Canada. It will be a land
of outstanding natural beauty. It shall have tall majestic mountains full
of mountain goats and eagles, beautiful sparkling lakes bountiful with bass
and trout, forests full of elk and moose, high cliffs over-looking sandy
beaches with an abundance of sea life, and rivers stocked with salmon."

God continued, "I shall make the land rich in resources so

as to make the inhabitants prosper, I shall call these inhabitants
Canadians, and they shall be known as the most friendly people on the

"But Lord," asked Gabriel, "don't you think you are being

too generous to these Canadians??"

"Not really," replied God.. "Just wait and see the

winters I am going to give them!

... and so the saga continued today.

When Rob had left this morning I had made sure I swept and vacuumed the front entrance before it got wet with our snowy boots throughout the day.  I had been up extremely early, once again, so I didn't really feel like doing a whole lot today as I was feeling wrung out after doing half our bedroom yesterday.  

Regardless once Rob had been back home, lunch was over with and he had headed out to clean the driveway out for the umpteenth time this Winter, I got myself motivated thinking if it gets done it will be done.

I am also trying to declutter anything I come across that should no longer be of use to us.  Rob had his collection of savings from the Crabby Cabbie for the VON Piggy for Pennies stashed in his bedside table.  I thought it was high time they be moved and delivered over to the VON offices in Owen Sound once Mother Nature relaxes for a bit.  I finished washing the other two walls, and just need help putting the bed back against the wall before our bedtime.  That is one heavy bed that barely the two of us are able to budge !

I have decided we would paint our bedroom Antique White, rather then a blue.  This way I can "change up" the colours of bedding, etc, anytime and not worry about the paint.  Our house in Waterloo had been all white, and I had carried one colour throughout the house even if it had been a splash.

Outside my window this day.  I never get tired of the view outside my windows.

If you get tired of looking at my scenery outside my windows, you might want to change it up a bit and go over to Gill's or Jane's to check out their views, HERE & HERE.  A change is always better then a rest, true to the old saying ?  Now if my friend, Lynn, would post her snow photos in WI, as well as quit sending her bad weather my way, I could direct you down that way too.  But alas she is all about the kitchen that woman is, but truly a change is what we all need, so you can find her HERE.

What kills me the past couple of days is the online weather is warning of the Big Storm that is coming to Ontario next week.  Is this not a big storm we have been having the last three days, and what would you call the Blizzard we had before this??  *Sigh*

Dinner was put in the pot earlier today, that being the Crock Pot.  The house smelled lovely as it cooked slow all day long.  Roast Beef surrounded by veggies.

My dear, hubby, Rob is celebrating his Birthday this upcoming Friday.  He has ordered a cake.  More specifically a Fudge Cake.  Well I checked out a new recipe book, Simply Delicious Desserts with Eagle Brand Sweetened Condense Milk, I had just been given where I had came across the following recipe:

Then I had googled some Fudge Cake Recipes and came across a Melt In Your Mouth Old Fashioned Fudge Cake recipe HERE.  Now to decide, which one do I choose, this one or that one?  Truly I hate deciding when given choices, so why did I bother to keep looking when I had found the first one.  Who knows ????  I am leaning towards the first, as it is something "different", and I like to try something different rather then just a plain Jane type at times.

I made a call to the Specialist who I had been referred to for my Gall Bladder problems, as I had been referred way back before Christmas with not hearing back yet.  I know between the Holidays and all the wonderful Old Fashioned Winter weather we have been having that they are maybe a bit behind.  Still I left a message as the stomach pills my Good Doctor prescribed me are not seeming to work as well as they first did when I had started them.  I am feeling quite a bit more discomfort as I had been when I had the attack.

 Hopefully it will not take months down the road before I get to be seen.

Oh yes, later today I tried to finish off the deck with the brand new electric snow shovel Rob has used twice. It isn't working anymore.

And that is all she wrote this day, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard".


  1. Not sure I like God's sense of humour!
    The (relentless) storm and the blizzard? Practice my friend..I've a horrible feeling it's been practice!
    Jane x

  2. Hi Cindy~ Thanks so much for the shout out but I am again the bearer of bad weather news but.....snow is coming my way, starting tomorrow, so you should be getting it just in time for the week-end! I don't remember how many inches...I stopped counting! One of my favorite meals, Roast Beef in the crock pot with veggies:) Yum! Now that Ribbon Cake looks interesting~ Stay Warm and keep that shovel handy~ Lynn

  3. Hahaha!! Love it, Cindy! lol!

  4. That's a twist on the joke I've heard before, which usually involves our neighbours!

    The next winter storm will be the latest if you keep track of them as they go along. I think I've lost count now.

  5. We are not keeping track of storms, they just seem to run one into the other. I didn't realize there was another on the way. I have stopped reading the forecasts. Here we sit in a "State of Emergency", with the kids who were dropped off at school this morning and then not picked up tonight, saying so happy we are that we are retired, don't HAVE to go anywhere and enjoying sitting in front of the fireplace reading. Once in a while Barry has to head out to blow snow again.Yesterday, the chain on the blower broke so here I was out in the garage this morning directing the hot air from a hair dryer onto his fingers so he could repair the chain. Success, out he went and blew again. What a winter! Alice

  6. Happy Birthday, Rob! We're not having the snow that y'all are, but it has been unseasonably cold here (sub-zero windchills) forEVER ... well it seems that way. Stay warm!

  7. Happy birthday to Rob! You poor things with all that snow. Not great for business I should imagine. Keep warm.....if you can!


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