Thursday 9 January 2014

Catching A Bug Through The Phone?

Once I had finished up my post last night, I called my girlfriend, went to bed and was done like Dinner by 8 pm.  My girlfriend, Colleen, who is also sick, I called back today to let her know I had caught whatever I have from her through the phone ... ha, we always tell each other, "don't give it to me" when we are sick and talking on the phone.  Really though I am sure it was all her fault !!! and I did catch this bug from HER through the phone.

I didn't get too much at all accomplish but the usual, make the bed do the dishes, look after the Aussies, and also manage to get a wee bit more Crabby Cabbie paperwork done this morning.  

I am not feeling good so that gets me off the hook of not getting too much accomplished, right?  Right. 

This afternoon Rob did take me downtown to the bank to deposit my "sealed pot" savings from last year, which had amounted to $235.00.  This amount went in the same account as the 52 Week Money Challenge Savings.  

Today most certainly was a gorgeous Sun Shiny day in Wiarton compared with what we had been experiencing three days prior.

Truly I LOVE Computer technology for some of its "perks", one being able to see my Grandchildren "on the spot".  This morning when they were loaded up from their overnight visit with our Son, Paul, I had photos sent to me to my iphone instantly.

I might not get to see them in the flesh as much as I would like, but I get to see them at least once a week, as well as talk to them too !
 I also got to see our "big" kid, Paul.  When I seen the creamer piled up I was, "oh no, don't let him eat the sugar packets & drink the creamers like his Grandma used to do" to Liz, then I got the 2nd photo, with a "it's too late" .... oh man !!! 

Later today I got pictures of Liz's girls, Chloe and Briar.  It is so nice to have girls around now, since all I have in the past are boys, boys, boys ... truly it is great not to be so outnumbered anymore.  The only one I didn't get a photo of today was Liz's son, Josh, and Liz herself.  Next time.

Dropping into my Facebook account a couple times today, I got a Blast from the Past, as Billy Burrows from our Hometown of Southampton had posted a copy of the Beacon Times back on Thursday February 3, 1977, which he had gotten from a neighbour of his in Port Elgin, I believe.  

It was a Blast from the Past.  Lots of girls I grew up with all those many years ago .... it is nice to reminisce, is it not?

I have entered a photo of our Checkerboard Aussies, Bandit & Lexus for a chance to Win $100.00 Custom Framing from a local Artist, Jenny Lee Learn.  In order for me to win, I require the most likes on our photo by Feb 2nd, 2014.  

This is the photo I have posted under the Contest Rules, dated January 6th, under Jenny Lee Learn's Facebook Page.  If anyone would like to give my photo their vote by liking it there, I would be truly appreciative.  The link to go do this is HERE.  Many thanks in advance.

Winter Fun

By the way, I was thinking again it is almost time to put together a Blog Post to give a SHOUT OUT for Ontario Blogger's Day that I had begun last January 17th, 2013, that you could view by going HERE.

Should you be interested in participating this Year, please contact me via email at with your Name & Link to your Ontario Blog, with the Subject Line to read:  Ontario Blogger's Day.  Should you not want your "real" name to be posted before your Blog Link, please indicate in your email, and what you would prefer to be used.  I would also appreciate anyone who would like to participate if you would SHOUT OUT about this on your own Blog, linking back to me here.  Let's give the 2nd Annual Ontario Blogger's DAY a great big Ontario SHOUT OUT, will we Ontarioooooo !!!

That all she wrote this day, as she still has a sore throat, swollen glands and a headache that is just asking for it to be put to bed, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard".


  1. Your glass is alway half full xxxx

  2. Oh man! I don't get to be an Ontario Blogger this year! Geez, I never even considered that when we made the big move. Oh well... I look forward to seeing all my "expatriates" on the 17th.

    I "liked" the Aussies.

    But what I really want to know is, are you one of the Southampton Heritage Weekend Queens??? If so, which one? (Show us a bigger pic!)

    Hope you're feeling better soon, Cindy. Damn phoned are contagious, I swear.

  3. Love the pics of your Grandchildren! Technology definitely has a huge up-side there. OB can facetime his friends as we're so remote here, he can't just pop round the corner to see them. Keep safe in that snow my friend.

  4. Hey Cindy, I passed the message on. :)

  5. Voted for you!

    I'm getting the post for the 17th ready... should be posted midnight local time.


How nice of you to drop around to have a wee visit with me to see what I have been up to from time to time. I look forward to your comments as they add much brightness to my each and every day to know there are such wonderful people out there.

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