Thursday 30 January 2014

Four New To Me Foods

How else would a typical January day in North of Wiarton begin without Snow .....

Not only did it take me a bit of time to get our Van cleaned off, but my hands almost froze off doing it.

A perfect day to make my Sister, Donna's Fagioli Soup (Low Fat).  Rob & I had this for our lunch today, one of those Soups that is really really Good, with being much much Gooder better the next day too.  Simple to make & Simply Delish.


I was on a roll today, making yet another "new to me" recipe.  This time it was a new Slow Cooker Recipe, Baked Chicken with Mustard Barbecue Sauce.

With all the fixing ready preparations were on the way in no time.  Another very simple recipe to put together in a short amount of time.

After our lunch we had to drop one of our Cabs off for repair (again), this time for a leaky power steering line.

Off we went, out through the Snow, what else ....  The plows have been working like *mad* this past month with the exception of the one week of January thaw when it had rained.  *Sigh* our roads were still closed from our house up to Tobermory, again today.  

Once I had retrieved Rob, he dropped me at home while he went back to work.  I got going on another "new to me" recipe.  I decided I would make Rob's Birthday cake today for his birthday tomorrow.

This is the recipe I had decided to try.

It was yet another very Simple Recipe to make ....

Rob did come home, again much to my amusement this time around ....

... his silly moments never fail to amuse me.

Before Dinner was almost ready, I had decided to take up some soup to our neighbour.  With the winds having picked up it had been way too cold to walk up the road to her place, so I had to drive.  Ha ! the soup would have been frozen by the time I had gotten there should I have walked.  I was so happy I had taken her soup, as I had found her down with a flu bug, the poor dear.  She sent me home with a Birthday Present for Rob !!!  he is so good to her by going up with the tractor to clear out her driveway, and she so appreciates him doing this.

Rob could not wait until his Birthday to open his gift of a Tim Horton Gift Card, Chocolates, Baileys Irish Cream & a lovely glass to serve it in.

Dinner was totally AMAZING !!!  The Fudge Ribbon Cake looks totally AMAZING !  The cake will be iced and sampled tomorrow ... I can hardly wait.

Recipe please for the Baked Chicken with Mustard BBQ Sauce ... FOR PRINTABLE RECIPE, PLEASE *CLICK* HERE.

That was a pretty darn good day behind me considering I made Four New to Me Foods.  Yikes, almost forgot about the 4th New to Me Food I made today ... Quinoa, pronounced kee-wah, the Super Grain food.  It was very good with both, Rob & I enjoying it, and you can find out more about it by going where I went HERE.

I was to go downtown tonight to take photos at the Wille Mystery Dinner, however I am suffering with neck pain, and a headache right now, so I decided it would be best I stay at home.  Besides with the winds now howling outside our windows, I suspect it is drifting pretty good out there again.  Me, Night Driving, Snow & Drifting Snow ... NO Thanks !

... this is all she wrote this day, Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard.


  1. Mm, the soup looks good. We have soup quite often as one of our meals of the day and I prefer to make my own, although Barry had pea soup from a tin today that I had added chopped sweet peppers, mushrooms, red onion and bacon bits. I had the rest of my cauliflower soup. Love soup. We ventured out today. Barry had read all his library books and HAD to get to the library. We had to go the long way round to avoid the closed roads. Most of the roads we were on today were only 1 lane for most of the time. Thus the reason for calling Dufferin a state of emergency. They need to get big blowers in and blow that stuff way far away. The teams are supposed to be arriving tomorrow. So watch out for a huge blow your way, it might be our snow. Tonight when we were having supper a helicopter came over our house VERY low, heading for Shelburne. I suppose another traffic accident. Happy Birthday to Rob tomorrow. Hope he enjoys his cake. Alice

  2. A Happy Birthday to Rob!

    Get your rest, sounds like you need plenty of it.

    That cake looks beyond delicious!

  3. Happy Birthday to Rob~ That Ribbon cake looks like a winner to me:) I have never tried quinoa, but have been wanting to...I finally tried steel cut oats and I really like them. Lynn PS You DO have alot of Snow:)

  4. Seems like the Ontario snowbelt is really getting hammered this year. My sister and family in Erin, Ontario are also fed up with winter. Here in Alberta it's bizarre, too - 25 below and 10 above in the same month.
    It's my turn to bring goodies at church this Sunday; I'm going to try your chocolate fudge cake. Wish me luck.

  5. Am I too late for cake? *lol* That was so nice of you to take soup to your neighbor. I bet she really appreciated it.

  6. Happy Birthday could you be Crabby Cabbie with a cake made just for you?!
    Jane x


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