Thursday 26 November 2015

Full Moon, Full Day

This morning at 8:45 am, Bandit and I headed South down through my Hometown of Southampton, then over to Port Elgin as Bandit had a SPA appointment at The Big Hound Playground.

I had made arrangements to meet my Auntie Gladys, as we were going to go to the Southampton Olive Oil Co. for her to pickup a gift for her friend, and check a couple of clothing shops.  Afterwards we stopped in for coffee and muffin at Tim Hortons, where we ran into my Niece, Joanne.  

Auntie had made a turn around down at the Cenotaph where I took these photos of the Lighthouse out on Chantry Island.  I was a little lopsided taking photos today.

Bandit was to be picked up around 11:30 so Auntie dropped me back off to pickup a "very happy to see me" Bandit !

Thanks to Allsion of The Big Hound Playground for booking Bandit in for his SPA morning, and Jaime who gave him his bath, nails trim and fluff !  he is very very "fluffy" now.

More on The Big Ground Playground?  just a *click* away by going HERE.

Once I had collected the very happy Bandit, I headed back to Southampton to drop off some Rutabagas to my girlfriend, Brenda.  A quick cup of tea and chat there before I then headed over to the Village at the First Nations Indian Reserve.

Why you might ask I was headed into the Village today, other then to get filled up at the Gas Bar? well I had an appointment with a Healer, thanks to my friend Wendy for recommending me.

My appointment with the Healer lasted just over 3 hours. How did it go? it was very enlightening and to be "in tune" with my Spirit was alsovery enlightening.  How did I come away from it all? even more so relaxed and feeling "in tune".  Will I go back? yes I believe I most certainly will.

I returned home, being there for about an hour before heading downtown Wiarton for a Chamber Business After Hours at the Berford Street Artisan Co., owned by Paul & Joan Deacon.  What a lovely time that was ... both Rob and I enjoyed dropping in for a casual visit with all others who had dropped around.

Rob and I both even walked away with 2 lovely Prizes from the draw that took place.

The Gift Basket I received was from Luscious Bakery & Deli, and Rob a Stocking Holder from Paul Deacon of the Cooperators.

It was a Pizza night for us this evening.

Not only had it been a Full Moon last night, it had also been a Full Day for me this day.

That is all she wrote this day, Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard.

1 comment:

How nice of you to drop around to have a wee visit with me to see what I have been up to from time to time. I look forward to your comments as they add much brightness to my each and every day to know there are such wonderful people out there.

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