Wednesday 18 March 2015

A Fantastic Birthday It Was !

The Sun came out and it was a beautiful day to celebrate a Birthday.  Thank you to everyone who send me their wishes for this day.  Yes a fantastic birthday it was !

First thing this morning I opened all the cards from the five grandkids, Josh, Aiden, Chloe, Briar and Connor.  Lots of *smiles* when opening each and every one.

We hung around the house this morning, the boys having baths and playing, as after lunch we were attending an activity at the Wiarton Library for 1:30 pm.  We had lunch then arrived to at the library to realize I had the time for the Lion's Head branch, the Wiarton one had theirs in the morning.  I have the right time for tomorrow's activity down there. 

The day was not a loss as Mary Jane got a couple of boxes of Lego out and we spent 1 1/2 hours at the library while the boys built Lego vehicles.  Mary Jane loved them and displayed them at the front counter.  We then headed on over to the Wiarton District Chamber Office where the boys had their photo take with a previous Wiarton Willie on display there.

Rob got me Scratch Tickets, I got Birthday Cards from the kids, my Auntie Gladys & Uncle Basil, & my sister, Donna, and a Bouquet of Flowers from Liz, Paul & the kids.  I also got phone calls from my brother, Al, and sister, Jeanne, Aunt Gladys and my Niece Joanne.  And of course from Paul & Liz.

Rob was home before Dinner time to prepare dinner for all of us.  He made Jumbo Hot Dogs, Fries and green peas, then we had Chocolate Birthday Cake for Dessert that the boys had ordered for me yesterday.

Everyone ate a good Dinner !

The boys were telling me which piece of cake they wanted with what colour of flower.  Aiden and I had two pieces !!!!  Connor was full after one.

The Birthday Wishes I also received on my Facebook was overwhelming as there were almost 200 Best Wishes from many very nice people.  Thank you to everyone for their Birthday Wishes for today and all through the Year.

This Birthday Gal will not be far off from her bed this evening.  This is what happens when another Year passes, Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard.


  1. That cake looks like it was really scrumptious!

  2. I told you, you would have a great day!! Haven't had hot dogs in ages, with the snow almost gone it is time to BBQ again!!

  3. Happy Birthday, what a beauty day to celebrate!!! Enjoy your grandsons, it is such fun , though you will be tired!!!!!

  4. Hope you saved me a piece of that yummy cake!

  5. Happy Birthday . Looks and sound like all had a great day ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

  6. Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday to my dear friend Cindy, Happy Birthday to you......and many more:) Have a piece of cake for me~ Lynn

  7. Thanks Jean ! and Happy Birthday to YOU too !!!!


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