Monday 13 July 2015

Can I Say ....

..... hot & tired ?  I sure can and that is about all I am going to be saying about today.

Highlights of the day:

- waking up to a gorgeous day;
- having Lunch with my Cousin Paula, Krista, Suzanne, and Aunt Gladys;
- hearing from my Niece Jodi and my Sister, Donna;
- shopping downtown Wiarton with Paula & Suzanne at The Painted Turtle, Rankin River Trading
  Co., and Josie's of Wiarton;
- a meeting at the Chamber Office;
- back home to head out again for Ice Cream at Kones (London Ice Cream is the best !);
- back to The Painted Turtle for where the boys did a Hammering Class with Wenda, creating wind
  chimes and necklaces;
- grocery store for burgers;
- home again to just now finish eating at 9:35 pm.

A continuation of supporting Motherhood ....please *click* HERE, and do not forget to check out the video !!!

Hot, muggy, and yes still tired.  Tomorrow?  I will organize and post photos, tonight? time for bed shortly, Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard.


  1. Hi Cindy!! I have been meaning to email you for so time now, but seems we've both been busy as of late:) I wish we could sit a chat over a cup of coffee or better yet an ice cream cone and catch up! My grandson has been staying with us for a few weeks since the birth of his sister, I was sad and glad to see him go yesterday:) I have been seeing a Rheumatologist and he put me on Methotrexate which I'm not crazy about....upsets my stomach. Anyway....hope all gets better for you and enjoy your time with the grandkids:) Talk to you soon, it's hot and sticky here too, Lynn~
    PS: You looked gorgeous at the wedding and love your gazebo too.
    One of the things I miss about our old house was my 3 seasons room:(

    1. Sorry about the typo errors and didn't mean to write a short story! haha

  2. I've had enough of the heat! It's been around since at least Saturday without letup.


How nice of you to drop around to have a wee visit with me to see what I have been up to from time to time. I look forward to your comments as they add much brightness to my each and every day to know there are such wonderful people out there.

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