Thursday 28 March 2013

Not About "Moi" Today

Today it was far from anything about "moi", other then I had been too busy with other such matters, the one first thing this morning being ....

" ... just after 4 am, with the "look", "really Mom did you have to get me up so early?"  Jeez I get no support around here some mornings, not even from my usually dependable Bandit boy!"

It got better as I went downstairs to take everyone out and about first thing; upon retrieving our Buddy boy to find out he had himself a little "accident" at some point this morning before I got there.  Oh dear, I took him out with a "I am sorry you had yourself an accident" before going back to get that cleaned up.  This is a seldom occurrence, and I felt so bad for our Buddy boy.

Next thing somehow Bandit got past me without getting his paws wiped off.  Do you know how mucky it is out there with all the snow having melted off the driveway and the frost coming out of it too?  Oh my what a mess my floor was upstairs with prints from one end of the house to the other !  No mind as it had to be left, as there were other things to be attended to first this day.

It was all "okay" as my Rob was home to help me out this morning before we headed down the road ... please take a moment to read all about "our" (not my day) HERE.

Really it was a wonderful day, truly it was.  I even had time in-between everything to wash the Hallway, and Living/dining room floors.  Ha ! with this mucky weather I really wonder how long they will remain as so.  For some reason I suspect not for long.

Before I forget, for everyone who is doing the 52 Week Money Challenge with me, don't forget it is Week 13 ..... hope you are all doing well.

"I am still going at it steady as the weeks go by with Week 13 at a $13.00 deposit."

"This upcoming Easter Weekend, I wish All My Family & Friends a Joyous Easter with Many Blessings from Our Home to Yours."

~ Apologizes for No Photo Credit, however it was found on Facebook~

I am thinking it will be an early night here for me as soon as I have everyone out, about and in for the last time this night.  On the way to the Vets we had stopped in at my girlfriend's place, as she lent me two of her Author daughter, Steena Holmes', two published books to read, Finding Emma and Chocolate Reality.  Sound interesting? you can find out more at Steena's website by *clicking* HERE.

On that note, I am off and running, but not so quickly, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard."


  1. you'll be lost when the latest four go to their forever homes. Have a super weekend,


  2. I love spring but not the mucky muddy mess with Miggs . My floors get the same way some times but most of the time I have a towel down in the mudroom for when Miggs comes in and she knows to get straight on the towel as I use another one to dry her feet , sometimes we have to use a small basin with water in to wash her feet it gets so bad lol ! Oh well the joys of having pets I wouldn't have it any other way ! Hope you all have a Happy Easter weekend !

  3. I get lots of dirty footprints in the house instead of paw prints now that spring is finally here :) Those babies look like they are wondering "what in the world are the doing to us??" :)

  4. Bandit's look is precious! I get that look from Sam when i wake up at 5 am.
    Aimee from Craftmates

  5. I can't blame Bandit. The couch looks ever so comfy.


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